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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2003 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

J. Margalctić, M. Margalctić: POŽARI U ŠUMI 1 NA ŠUMSKOM ZEMLJIŠTU KAO ČIMBENICI ... Šumarski list br. 9 10, CXXVI1 (2003), 475-482
In the period from 2000 to 2002 there were 1 178 fires in forests and forest
lands, in which the vegetation was burnt on the total area of 89 128 ha, out of
which 942 fires were on the Karst area.

Out of the total number (7 797) of open space fires in 2000, 703 fires were
forest fires where 68 106 ha was the area affected by fires. Out of the total
area affected by fires of 39 840 ha are areas owned by the state and 28 266 ha
are areas owned by other owners. According to the cause of fires, most of
them were caused by negligence and inattention (543), setting fire on purpose

(40) and thunder
During 2001 in the period from 1 January to 31 December, the total of
4024 open space fires were registered, out of which 299 were forest and forest
land fires in which the area of 16169 ha was affected by fires.
In the Republic of Croatia in 2002, 176 fires whose area was 4 853 ha
started in forests, i.e. forest land. The highest number of fires (128) started on
the agricultural lands and private forests and 48 fires started on the areas
owned by the state. The majority of fires were ground fires (137).
"Hrvatske šume " d. o. o. Zagreb, which through Branches of Forest Administration
manage state forests, have the most significant role in fire-prevention.
Previous experience shows that by a good organisation on the field, the
fire can be prevented in such a way that there are no catastrophic consequences.
The Regulation on Fire Prevention will certainly contribute to prevention
of fire consequences in early detection, reporting and early fire extinguishing.

Key words: forests, forest lands, fire, Programme of activities, preventive
protection measures.