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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2003 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

V. Krejči, T. Dubravac: MOGUĆNOST 1 OPRAVDANOST OPLODN1H SJEČA U BUKOVIM ŠUMAMA ... Šumarski list br. 9 10. CXXVII (2003). 449-456
LITERATURA - References

Bertović, S., D. Cestar, V. Hren, Z. Kovače - Safar, J., 1962: Problem i pojam skupinastog gospo

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tativna produkcija bukovih šuma u zapadnom gafar, j. ? \962: Oplodna ili preborna sječa u bukovim
dijelu Hrvatske. Rad. Šumar. inst. 18, 1 48, Za- šumama. Osvrt i razmatranja o načinu uzgajanja

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and beech forests in Croatia). Rad. Šumar. inst. Zagreb

^´ ´ fa Program gospodarenja g.j, "Učka" 1985.-1994.
IVI i las , B., 1958: Gospodarenje šumama primorske
bukve. Šum. list 3^1, 81-94, Zagreb.

SUMMARY: The paper indicates the possibility and justification of the
application of the shelterwood cutting method in the beech forests of Gorski
Kotar, Lika and Hrvatsko primorje (maritime region), where they cover
considerable areas and have an important forest-management and ecological

For several years, in two climatozonal communities, i.e. a maritime beech

forest (Fagetum croat. seslericetosum Ht.) and a mountain beech forest
(Tagetum croat. montanum Ht.), results were monitored on the reestablishment
of beech stands when applying the shelterwood cutting method in small
groups on large areas.

The principle of the group selection system in management of even-aged
forests on small areas was investigated in the beech maritime forest, in the
Management Unit "Učka ", Compartment 24. An area of 1.4 ha was covered
applying the final cut in 1987, on 5 groups in the Compartment 24, encompassing
23 ha. The average age of young beech growth in the middle of the
group was 9 years, mean height 1.1 m, with the participation of 90 000 young
beech trees per hectare. The second cutting was performed in 1999, on the
same groups, on 5.65 ha, and amounted to 25 % of the compartment area. In
2002, measurement was carried out of the state of young growth trees in the
same groups (Table 2, Fig. 3); in the middle of the group (final cutting), at the
half of the group radius and on the border of the group, which showed
markedly good development progress with regard to the number and quality
of young growth.

Knowledge on the numbers and development progress in the young beech
trees in the 5 monitored groups, showed that the management and oncoming
cuttings (2009 and 2019) should be performed by the same principles. Having
analysed the two final group selection cuttings in 1987 and 1999, as presented
in Table 3, it can be concluded that the compartment will have been completely
reestablished with the cutting in 2019. Due to the fact that the compartment
is located in the "Učka" Nature Park, where the forest, apart from
management, also has other functions, we consider this method of management
and reforestation essential.

The transition from selection management to even-aged method of beech
management, by applying the shelterwood cutting system on large areas was