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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2003 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF

M. Idžojtić: DOMAĆINI I RASPROSTRANJENOST BJELOGORIČNE BULiLti IMELE ... Šumarski list br. 9-10. CXXV11 (2003). 439-447
ZAHVALA - Acknowledgement

Zahvaljujem Službi za ekologiju šuma, Hrvatskih stveno-istraživačkom projektu od strane Hrvatskih
šuma d.o.o. i rukovoditelju Službe mr. se. Petru Jurje- šuma d.o.o. Vrlo sam zahvalna i svim djelatnicima Hrviću,
te svim rukovoditeljima Odjela za ekologiju i vatskih šuma d.o.o. koji su radom na terenu pomogli u
stručnim suradnicima za zaštitu šuma pri upravama realizaciji istraživanja. Također na pomoći zahvaljujem
šuma podružnicama na prihvaćanju suradnje na znan- dr. se. Jeleni Kralj iz Zavoda za ornitologiju HAZU.

SUMMARY: The white berried mistletoe fViscum album L. ssp. album,) is
a semi-parasite on deciduous trees and shrubs. In order to make a list of hosts
and carry out the mapping of the distribution of mistletoe in Croatia field
research was carried out, and the herbaria of the Faculty of Foresty of the
University of Zagreb was surveyed. For the distribution mapping the MTB
basic units were used.

In Croatia the white berried mistletoe appears on 45 taxons (41 species, 2
cultivars and 2 hybrids). Of the 41 species 31 are autochthonous and 10
allochthonous. The hosts belong to 11 families. Most of the species (12) are of
the Rosaceae family. Then the Salicaceae (7 species), Aceraceae (5 species),
Betulaceae (4 species), Tiliaceae (3 species) etc. families follow. All the hosts
of this mistletoe in Croatia have already been recorded in the literature,
except for the Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. and Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.
The autochthonous species which can be regarded as the commonest hosts
are: apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh.), black poplar (Topulus nigra L.),
common pear fPyrus communis L.), white willow (Salix alba L.) and small-
leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.). The commonest among the infested
allochthonous species are the North-American species Acer saccharinum L.
(silver maple) and Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black locust). Often the forest
cultures of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia
L.), and the culture of poplar Populus xcanadensis Moench, P. nigra L.
and P. deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall are infested.

In Croatia this mistletoe subspecies is spread in natural stands, forest cultures,
parks, gardens, non-cultivated orchards, as well as on solitary trees on
the verge of woods and in open areas in the northern and middle parts of the
country. The species was not found in the mediterranean and submediterranean
regions, nor in the high mountain massifs separating the continental
from the mediterranean and submediterranean regions. The distribution of
mistletoe is mosaic-like, which is due to the mosaic-like distribution of hosts,
local conditions, movements of birds vectors etc.

The continual distribution can only be observed in part of the area of narrow-
leaved ash (Traxinus angustifolia Vahl) in the middle Posavina region.

If there is a large number of mistletoe shrubs on a tree, it exhausts the host.
However, generally speaking this mistletoe subspecies does not represent a
big economic problem in Croatia.

Key words: Viscum album L. ssp. album (white berried mistletoe),
Croatia, hosts, distribution.