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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2003 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

D. Ballian: PROCJENA GENETIČKE VARIJABILNOSTI OBIČNE JELE (Abies alba Mili.) ... Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXVII (2003). 347-357

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Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, 162-186.

SUMMARY: This research was aimed at establishing the molecular-genetic
variability of some populations of silver fir in Croatia and Bosnia &
Herzegovina (Vranića, Meka Brda, Gorski Kotar - adult, Gorski Kotar —
juvenile, Crni Vrh, Cabulja, Orjen). Variability was shown using the analysis
ofcp DNA, or more accurately, the number ofhaplotypes (H), effective number
ofhaplotypes (Ne), and haplotype differential (Hexp & Sw.).

The ep DNA analysis was used to study the haplotype variability of the silver
fir. The obtained results show considerable differences among populations.

With the use of chloroplast DNA, the number ofhaplotypes (H), the effective
number of haplotypes (Ne), and the haplotype differential (Hexp & Sw),
differences were found between the studied populations, and particularly
between small, isolated and large populations.

No major differences were established between adult and juvenile populations
of Gorski Kotar (A & A). Since their genetic variability is insignificant,
there are practically no differences in these populations. However, the results
point to the need for a more detailed study at the molecular level.

In order to set up and maintain genetic resources, a dense network of gene
databases should be established both in situ and ex situ necessary for the
preservation of genetic differences among populations. Accordingly, every
ecological niche important for the silver fir should have its own genetic database
with a corresponding number of units so that the eco-physiological
characteristics of each population could be preserved.

In managing natural resources and their renewal, natural regeneration
should always be favoured, combined with constant monitoring of the genetic
structure, so that proper measures could be undertaken to ensure the genetic
variability that characterises every population.

Future research should be directed at other populations of silver fir in
Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. An optimal number of individuals
should be established in a sample. Management and regeneration of the silver
fir should constantly be monitored and directed towards the maintenance of
genetic differences within local populations. Moreover, numerous experiments
should be conducted with different provenances in order to investigate
eco-physiological properties of the silver fir.