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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2003 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF


Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXV1I (2003), 335-346

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SUMMARY: This paper gives a survey of the data collected in investigating
the damage caused to the stand in skidding coniferous roundwood by
Timberjack 240C in the selection forests of Gorski Kotar. The research was
carried out at two sites (A, B) in Delnice Forest Administration. The indicators
of the damage caused to standing trees are as follows: the surface of the
damaged bark, location of the tree in the stand, place of damage, type of damage,
cause of damage, economic importance and state of the damaged tree.
The intensity of damaging is expressed by the ratio of damaged trees and the
number of the remaining trees. The distance between the damaged trees and
the strip road was measured as well as the slope of the damaged tree micro-
terrain and the volume of the damaged seedling and young growth.

Timber skidding caused damage to 1.84 % (A) and 1.77 % (B) of the remaining
trees. The thickness degree of the majority of the damaged trees
ranged between 12.5 cm and 22.5 cm. At the site A the average damage height
was 63 cm from the ground and at site B 75 cm. The average damage surface
was 1.7 times (A) and 1.4 times (B) larger on fir trees than on beech trees. The
highest number of damages occurred on root collars - 90 % in A and 85 % in