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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2003 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

S. Matić: iii.iKiA ŠUMARSTVA U ?:AŠTITI I OČI.IVAN.IU PITKIH VODA *;iimiirski hst br. 5 (i. CXXVII (2()(13), 217-2H!
šumama ponajprije da bi one opstale i funkcionirale
u optimumu svoje strukture i staništa. Njihovim
funkcioniranjem temeljenim na prirodnim
zakonitostima i istovremeno na načelima šumarske
znanosti, stvara se, obnavlja i čuva voda. Voda
je danas najvrjedniji resurs koji izvire pod okriljem
šume i stvara se kao rezultat svestranog odnosa
između staništa i biocenoze, unutar šumskog

Nestankom šume nestaju i izvori vode, a povratkom
šume na svoja staništa obnavljaju se i
izvori. To je znanstvena i u šumarskoj praksi provjerena
istina. Nestankom šuma na području Senjske
drage u zaleđu Senja na crti spajanja Velike
Kapele i Velebita, nestali su brojni izvori kvalitetne
vode, a nastali još brojniji problemi za život
na tom području. Ostiivanjem Nadzomištva za pošumljavanje
primorskog krasa 1878 godine sa
sjedištem u Senju, počinje se ostvarivati po našem

mišljenju prvi, najveći i najvredniji ekološki projekt
u ovom dijeltj Europe. Senjska draga je danas
ponovno pod šumom, a u nju su se ponovno vratili
brojni izvori pitke vode.

To je samo jedan od mnogih pothvata hr\´atske
šumarske struke na ovim prostorima, koji nikad
nije doživio pravo vrednovanje, osim u krugu šumarske
struke. Proizvodimo "vodu, drugi s njom
trguju i koriste za vlastitu dobrobit, a šumarskoj
struci koja svakim danom tone u sve većoj besparici,
ostaje plaćanje vodnog doprinosa.

Kad se pitamo kakva je uloga šumarstva u zaštiti
i očuvanju pitkih voda, onda na najjednostavniji
i najkraći način možemo odgovoriti daje ona
velika. No, i veliko je pitanje da li smo na pravom
putu, i jesmo li sposobni tu vodu iskoristiti i u
materijalnom smislu te kako povećati površinu i
kvalitetu šuma te tako proizvesti još više kvalitetne


Forests and water are a gift of nature which can
only survive if it is well managed. By managing
forests, we also manage water. Undoubtedly, apart
from oxygen and aesthetic beauty, forests also
ensure water as the most important forest product.
It is time that the wider community and foresters
in the first place, realised that timber is only a secondary
product of forest management, and that
forestry and forestry profession manages forests
primarily with the goal of ensuring their survival
and functioning in the optimum of their structure
and sites. Their functioning based on natural laws
as well as on the principles of forestry science
produces renews and preserves water Today´
water is the most valuable resource which origt^
nates in the forest and exists as a result of the complex
relationship between the site and the biocoenosis
within the forest ecosystem.

The disappearance of forests causes the disappearance
of water sources, while the return of
forests to their sites means the re-emergence of
their water sources. This scientific truth has often
been confirmed by forestry practice. With the disappearance
of the forests in the area of Senjska
Draga in the hinterland of Senj, at the point where
Velika Kapela and Velebit merge a number of
springs of good quality water also vamshed making
the conditions of life in this area even more

difficult. The foundation of the Office for Littoral
Karst Reforestation in Senj in 1878 marked the
first, the largest and the most valuable ecological
project in this part of Europe. Today, Senjska
Draga is again covered with forests, enabling the
return of numerous springs of drinking water.

This is only one of the many endeavours of the
Croatian forestry profession in these areas, which
has never been properly evaluated, except by the
forestry practice. We produce water, while others
trade with it and use it for their profit. Meanwhile,
the forestry practice, which is daily sinking into
poverty, is left with the obligation to pay water tax.

The question "What role does forestry play in
the preservation and conservation of drinking
water?" can be answered in the simplest and shortest
way: "Very important". However, the question
is whether we are following the right path and
whether we are capable of using this water in the
material sense by increasing the area and quality of
forests and producing even more good quality water.
