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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2003 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

I. Trinajstic. J. Franjic, Z. Skvorc: S1NTAKSONOMSKA ANALIZA BL´KOVIH SUVIA MKBIMURJA ... Sumarski list br. I 2. CXXVII (2003). 3-9
193-249. Gustav Fischer. Jena-Stuttgart-New Trinajstic , I., 1995: Plantgeographical division of
York. forest vegetation of Croatia. Ann. Forest. 20(2):

MiiHer, Th., 1989a: 4. Verband: Fagion sylvaticae
Luquet 26. In E. Oberdorfer , 1992: Siiddeu-Trinajstic , I., 1998: Fitogeografsko rasclanjenje
tsche Pflanzengesellschaften 2. Aufl. Tabellen-klimazonalne sumske vegetacije Hrvatske. Sum.
band: 417-580. Gustav Fischer. Jena-Stuttgart-list 122(9-10): 407-421.
New York.

Trinajstic, I., Franjic, J., 1999: Sume bukve s
Raus, B., Trinajstic, I., Vukelic, J., Medve-dlakavim sasom (Carici pilosae-Fagetum Oberdovic
, J., 1992: Biljni svijet hrvatskih suma. U dorfer 1957) u vegetaciji Hrvatske. Sum. list

D. Raus (ed.): Sume u Hrvatskoj, 33-78. Zagreb. 123(7-8): 311-321.
Riibel, E., 1930: Pflanzengesellschaften der Erde. Wallnofer, S., Mucina, L. Grass, V, 1993:
Verlag Hans Huber. 464 s. Bern-Berlin.
Querco-Fagetea. In L. Mucina, G. Grabbi
err S. Wal lnofer: Die Pflanzengesellschaf

Sougnez, N., Thi 11, A., 1959: Carte de la vegeta

ten Osterreichs 3: 85-236. Gustav Fischer. Jena

tion de la Belgique (I.R.S.I.A.), planchette du

Stuttgart-New York.

Grupont 195W. Texte explicatif. 82 s. Bruxelles.
Trinajstic , I., 1992: Contribution to the phytogeographical
classification of the illyrian floral element.
Acta Bot. Croat. 51: 135-142.

SUMMARY: For a theoretical study of the beech forests in the territory of the Republic
of Croatia, it is important to determine how to interprete the phytogeographical characteristics
of the beech forests from three phytogeographically different areas. The first area is
the part of Croatia extending to the north from the Sava River, the second one is the region
between the Kupa River and the continental slope of the range of mountains Velika Kapela,
Velebit and Biokovo, and the third one is the coastal slope of the said range of mountains.

On this occasion the beech forest analysis refers to the upmost northern part of Croatia,
the area between the Drava and the Mura Rivers. This analysis showed that in Medimurje
the beech forests belong to the Central European complex, that is in conformity with the
comparatively recent and the latest knowledges of the phytogeographical division of forest
vegetation in Croatia (cf Raus et al. 1992; Trinajstic 1995, 2000). In fact, based on
the analysis of all vegetation in the part of Croatia extending to the north from the Sava
River, it was possible to conclude that in terms of the phytogeography the said region
should be added to the Central European phytogeographical province, and this to the
transalpine and Pannonian sectors in its western and eastern parts, respectively.

Such belonging of the beech forests from the northern Croatia to the Central European
province has been confirmed by the recent phytosociological reserach and analysis of the
as. Carici pilosae-Fagetum from the mountains extending between the Sava and the Drava
Rivers (cf Trinajstic & Franjic 1999).

According to the data provided by Th. Miiller (1989) on the floristic composition of the
as. Galio odorati-Fagetum, as many as 3394 vegetational releves have been published about
this association in the Central Europe. With respect to range of elevations, the as. Galio
odorati-Fagetum is distributed in Europe from the hilly and submontane zone in the montane
belt of about 100-150 m to the altimontane belt elevations as high as up to 1100 m.

Moreover, in the large space of Europe the as. Galio odorati-Fagetum is also markedly
divided floristically, and in its floristic composition an important role has a large number of
mosses, as well as a certain number of swampy species such as. Carex brizoides,
Deschampsia caespitosa, Equisetum telmateja and others.

As already pointed out, in Medimurje its submontane-montane variant is developed,
represented mostly by the subass. luzuletosum luzuloidis, which in places is in syndynamic
relations with the as. Luzulo-Fagetum.

Key words: beach forest, Galio odorati-Fagetum sylvaticae, Luzulo-Fagetum sylvaticae,
Medimurje, Croatia.