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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2001 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

Šumarski list br. 9 10, CXXV (2001). 495-500
Wagner, D. B., 1992: Nuclear, chloroplast, and mitoZoldoš,
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J. A. Rafal ski, S.V. Tingey, 1990: DNA poSarr,
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SUMMARY: Today, the molecular biology very likely is the biology branch with

the fastest development and the highest impact in the research world, and there is
not a single field of biological science where at least one of the molecular-biological
methods is not used in the research. In its complexity, the present modern world
forestry is one of the best examples of the use of various molecular-biological
methods in different research works, but in the everyday practice either. The latest
achievements in the molecular biology, such as Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR,
made the applicability of these methods to the forestry easier, so now these
methods have become an indispensable tool, among other things, in the estimating
of genetic variability, breeding programmes and conservation programmes. For
these purposes, many methods have been developed such as RFLP (Restriction
Fragment Length Polymorhpism), RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA),
AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) and Microsatellites. As these
methods show a certain DNA polymorphism specific for a given property (resistance
to some disease, for instance) or for an individual, a population, a subspecies
or any superior taxonomic unit, they are usually referred to as DNA markers
(RAPD markers, for instance). Until recently, the laboratory research of population
genetic variability has been limited by a small variability inside some populations.
Today, to estimate the genetic variability, the various DNA markers are used,
and their combination enabled to determine the genetic variability in all populations
researched so far. This work is an effort to appeal to the forestry institutions
which have to support these types of research, so that young research would
become trained in such analyses by means of which, with a rather modest
resources, considerable results can be obtained. It will do great harm to our
forestry if such researches continue to be carried out, as until now, solely by the
research workers who not being of the forestry profession are not aware enough of

the practical forestry problems.

words: molecular-biological methods, forestry, Croatia