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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2001 str. 88     <-- 88 -->        PDF

I. Bo/ičević: UZORAK ZA PISANJE I IZRADU ŠUMSKE KRONIKE ZA SVF. ŠUMARIJE UPRAVH ŠUMA ... Šumarski list br. 7-8. CXXV (2001), 443-450
SUMMARY: In the year 2000, the Forest Administration of Delnice was
provided with a Model for writing and drawing up forest records for all forest
enterprises in the Delnice Forest Administration. This Model represents a
sample or an ancillary handbook for colleague foresters to be used in writing
and drawing up a forest record for any individual forest enterprise.

According to the Model, a good forest record should start with a historical
part, which would encompass all known written forestry history related to
managing with the forests under a given forest enterprise, as well as all
known organisations and reorganisations so far. The historical part, divided
into ten periods by the Model author, is a permanent, or a fixed section that
does not change annually. Every year the permanent historical part is complemented
with annals and significant events taking place in the past year.
This section represents the second, changeable or variable, part of the forest
record. Both these sections form a unit contained in the forest record of a forest

The Model is supplemented with "A chronological review of forest history
for the area of the Delnice Forest Administration ". The title suggests that the
review contains all the encyclopaedically listed historical characteristics for
the area of the Delnice Forest Administration, and can be resorted to in writing
the historical part of the forest record.

Key words : Model, record, forest history