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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2001 str. 70     <-- 70 -->        PDF

M. Vukelić: OSVRT NA INTENZIVNE KULTURE CRNOGORICE U LICI Šumarski list br. 3 4, CXXV (2001 ), 185-196
5. Matić , S., Dokuš , A., Orilić , S., 1922: Šumarske 7. Osnova gospodarenja g.j. Žitnik 1998.-2007.
kulture i plantaže, Šume u Hrvatskoj str. 105-108. 8. Z i an i, P., I960.: Studija o perspektivnim moguć6.
Obradović , M., Butković , Lj., Bunjevce -
vi ć, Z. , P o p o v i ć, D., Š a r i ć, D., 1964: Invenostima
podizanja četinjača brzog rasta na području
Š.G. "Lika" Gospić, Dokumentacija U.Š.
sticioni elaborat za podizanje plantaža i intenzivnih
kultura četinjača za 2000 ha u Š.G. "Lika"
Gospić, Dokumentacija U.Š.

SUMMARY: The history of establishing classical conifer cultures in Lika
knows of only one short period from I960 to 1968, in which plantations and
intensive fast-growing conifer cultures were established. They are characterised
by the fact that they were raised using the new technology with the
application of agro-technology, nutrition and reinforced nutrition, as well as
the choice of local and foreign conifer species.

The purpose of such production was not only to improve the structure of
Lika forests in favour of conifers, but also to rapidly produce conifer pulp
wood that was lacking on the market.

These were the reasons for which long-term production of plantations and
intensive conifer cultures was drawn up for Lika as a potential region.

In 1964, the forest enterprise of that time, "Lika"from Gospić, engaged the
former "Conifer Institute "from Jastrebarsko to draw up a feasibility study for
plantations and intensive conifer cultures for the regions ofMedak and Zitnik
over an area of 2,000 ha.

On the basis of the study, the "Plantation and intensive cultures department
" established 1,217.14 ha of plantations and intensive conifer cultures in
the period 1964-1968.

Due to a specific technology, the cultures were named the "Pilot Project",
at which further research has been carried out for scientific and practical

The ŠlZČfrom Jastrebarsko established experimental plots on the Medak
facility for the purpose of studying the influence of mineral fertilisers on the
growth and increment of the cultures.

The established plantations within the "Pilot Project" have significant
importance not only from an economic standpoint, but also that of generally
usejul benefits.

Key words: plantation, intensive, culture, Pilot Project, growth and