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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2001 str. 26 <-- 26 --> PDF |
.1. Vlahinja: ISTRAŽIVANJE KRITERIJA RASPODJELE TROŠKOVA 1 DOBITI ZAJEDNIČKIH ŠUMSKIH ... Šumarski list br. 3 4, CXXV (2001 ), 13 I -1 52 decrease of the timber drawing distance has been expressed by the factor of the drawing distance which represents a share of each owner within the total decrease of drawing distance in a particular area. The assessment of reliability of the chosen criteria for distribution has been checked on the model of the forest area where each particular forest unit was calculated for: the volume of timber to cut, unit and total expanses of draw, taking into account the specific previous and a new following pulling, the benefits and savings from the draw, profitability of investment, as well as shares i.e. the amounts of financial participation of the owners. The group effect of the both influential factors of shares has been reached by calculating the factor of personal costs whose values are particular shares of product of multiplication of both criteria. The account of profitability of the model has shown that all owners can count with benefits from a road, which more or less exceed their investments. The differences in the amount of benefits-savings from the road in the model were directly dependant to the amount of decrease of unit expenses of timber draw because of the decrease in the drawing distance and the volume of a specific owner´s timber to be cut. Thereby, the highest profit goes to the owners with the highest decrease in the drawing distance, which is followed by the biggest decrease in draw expenses, i.e. owners with the biggest volume of the wood cut, e.g. owners of greater areas and older units. However, their expense shares are also proportionally higher. The applied model is also applicable to cases where expenses are shared among co-owners and co-users of existing roads. In these cases, the shares in the decrease of drawing distance due to a new road are substituted with taking into account the really determined particular distances of timber draw from each unit/area to the existing road. Key word : forestry, timber draw, forest roads and trails, costs Da li ste zaboravili? PRETPLATA ZA ŠUMARSKI LIST U 2001. GODINI: - za zaposlene članove 120 kn - za studente, đake i umirovljenike 30 kn - za poduzeća 500 kn + PDV ADRESA: HRVATSKO ŠUMARSKO DRUŠTVO Zagreb, Trg Mažuranića 11 Žiro račun br.: 30102-678-6249 PRETPLATA ZA INOZEMSTVO 95 $ DEVIZNI ŽIRO RAČUN br.: 70313-280-3206475 HRVATSKO ŠUMARSKO DRUŠTVO, Zagreb ZAGREBAČKA BANKA Zagreb (Telex ŽABA 21-211 Swift ŽABA HR XX) Uredništvo |