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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2001 str. 69 <-- 69 --> PDF |
D. Tonković: ŠUMSKE ŽELJEZNICI-: U HRVATSKOJ Šumarski list br. I 2. C.XXV (2001 ), 63-67 NEIZBJEŽNO JE DOŠAO I KRAJ - The end came inevitably Pedestih godina i dalje, sazorile su nove ideje o na- količine prekrasnog drva naših do tada nedirnutih šučinu gospodarenja šumama. Kada je pristupni put pos- ma listača. Dio utrška za to drvo vratio se u reproduktao neophodnim u stalnom njegovanju šuma, a materi- cijski ciklus u šumarstvu, od kojega mnogobrojni kilojalne prilike su to dopuštale, šumskoj je željeznici do- metri šumskih putova svih kategorija predstavljaju znašao kraj. Ona je u razvoju našeg šumarstva odigrala čajna ulaganja, pa je za očekivati velike koristi razvoju slavnu ulogu: njom su na tržište dopremane ogromne za naše zemlje. SUMMARY: Almost one century the forest rail was by greatest part the unique transportation mean in logging operation in Croatia. Even 1950 in operation was 851.7 km of forest rail, station rails and branch lines. In 16 formerly forest corporations in operation were 74 mainly steam engines with some Diesel engines, and 1848 forest railway trucks for logs, pitprops, other long industrial roundwood, as well as for fuelwood and pulpwood. By gradual rise of gros domestic product, technical development and acceptable prices of trucks, the forest rail has disappeared in mid fifties. This period of intensive investment into inevitable infrastructural premise -forest extension by roads. Such an extension corresponds to the new concept of modern sustained yield management of forests, after the mature and overmature stands were turned into young, close to nature stands, which if they were to remain so, require continued care, possible only in circumstances of existing optimal road network. Key words : Forest rails - Logging operations - Hauling and transportation of timber -Logging as sylvicultural care of stands. |