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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2001 str. 63 <-- 63 --> PDF |
T. Dimitrov: ZAKLJUČAK VLADE RKPUBLIKE HRVATSKE I PRIJEDLOG PROGRAMA PREVENTIVNE Šumarski list br. 1 2, CXXV (2001), 57-61 LITERATURA Dimitrov , T. (1999): Šumski požari u Hrvatskoj -Vlada RH (2000): Program aktivnosti u provedbi popovod za razmišljanje, Šumarski list br. 9-10, sebnih mjera zaštite od požara od interesa za ReZagreb. publiku Hrvatsku u 2000. godini, Vatrogasni vje Dimitrov , T. (1998): Gorenje globalne biomase -snik 5/2000, Zagreb. utjecaji na atmosferu, klimu i biosferu, Šumarski Vlada RH (5. listopada 2000): Zaključak po izvješću o listbr. 9-10, Zagreb. stanju zaštite od požara u razdoblju od 1. siječnja M as le, A. (2000): Suša i požari - čekaju nas još duže do 31. kolovoza 2000. sa posebnim osvrtom na suše i još žešći požari (razgovor sa dipl. ing. razdoblje od 1. lipnja do 31. kolovoza 2000. goMarkom Vučetićem iz DHMZ-a), tjednik "Glodine, materijal dobiven iz Hrvatskog državnog bus" br. 508, Zagreb. Sabora, Zagreb. Smith , B. C. (rujan, 1994): Gospodarenje šumskim požarima u Hrvatskom jadranskom priobalnom području, Canada, prijevod na hrvatski. SUMMARY: The Government of the Republic of Croatia following the report of the Ministry of Interiors made the Conclusion where a critical review about the work on fire protection in our country up to now and charged corresponding ministries to review activity organization due to negligence in fire protection for many years. Related to the previous period the Conclusion represents a milestone in fire policy of the Government, as it is congruent with the expertize made by Canadian experts in 1994 about necessity to reorganize programs for wildfire management in our country. In the paper the whole text titled "A Proposal of a Program for Preventive Forest Fire Protection in the Republic of Croatia ", which was directed to the Government of the Republic of Croatia by the Croatian Firefighting Association to be accepted, is presented. Key words : Forest Fire Prevention, FBP System, Experimental Laboratory, Firemen Education. |