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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2001 str. 58 <-- 58 --> PDF |
O. Anionic: JE LI HRAST LUŽNJAK U HRVATSKOJ VRSTA KLJMATOGhNE RASPROSTRANJENOSTI? Šumarski list br. I 2. CXXV (2001 ). 45-56 Tansley , A. G. 1935: The use and abuse of végéta- i Javno poduzeće Hrvatske šume, Zagreb. 79-80 tional concepts and terms. Ecology 16: 284-307. + 1 karta. Trinajstić, I., Ra uš, Đ., Vukelić, J. i Medve - Vukelić,J.iRauš,Đ. 1998: Šumarska fitocenologidović, J. 1992: Vegetacijska karta šumskih za- ja i šumske zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Sveučilište u jednica Hrvatske, M 1:500000. U: Šume u Hr- Zagrebu, Zagreb. vatskoj. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu SUMMARY: Ecological conditions of spatial distribution of the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Croatia are discussed in this paper. Pedunculate oak in Croatia is the main tree species in two forest communities: Genisto elatae - Quercetum roboris Ht. 1938 and Carpino betuli - Quercetum roboris (Anić 1959) emend. Rauš 1969. In the first community which resides on flood-plains, the presence of pedunculate oak, as well as the majority of other species, is conditioned by additional moistening by groundwater and flood, i.e. its distribution is not climatogenic. The second community is floristically similar to the climatogenic community of the sessile oak and common hornbeam (Tipimedio-Carpinetum betuli (Ht. 1938) Bo rh idi 1963). Although the other species o/ Carpino betuli - Quercetum roboris community are not influenced by groundwater due to the shallower rooting, the presence of pedunculate oak, as a species which can develop deep rooting system, is often (but not allways) conditioned by additional moistening by groundwater in this community too. This is especially evident on lighter soils with unfavourable hydropedological characteristic (low capillary rise and available soil water capacity). Besides, areas under Carpino betuli - Quercetum roboris community and Epimedio - Carpinetum betuli community have similar macroclimate, but they differ geomorphologically - the first community avoides sloped terrain which indirectly implies moister habitats. It can be generally concluded that pedunculate oak in Croatia is distributed out of additionally moistened areas (by groundwater and/or floods) only when hydropedological and/or geomorphological conditions are favorable. Knowing environmental factors which control presence and growth of the pedunculated oak on the specific site is important for the forest management and also for designing of the hydro-technical measures based on principles of sustainable development. Consequently, the future research has to be undertaken to enable detailed understanding of interactions beween environmental factors (e.g. hydrological and hydropedological characteristics, evaporation, transpiration, precipitation) which together result in the presence of pedunculate oak on the specific site, including the problem of intraspecies (ecological races of pedunculate oak) and interspecies (toward the sessile oak) genetic variability. Keywords : pedunculate oak, vegetation climax, macroclimate, groundwater, rooting, hydropedological characteristics, terrain slope, sessile oak. |