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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2001 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

J. Franjić. 7. Skvorc, A. Carni: NUMHRIĆKA ANALIZA FITOCKNOI.OŠKIH SNIMAKA U BUKOVO-JELOVIM ŠUM. Šumarski listbr. 1 2.CXXV (2001 ), 19-26
16. Trinajstić , L, 1970: Prilog poznavanju šumske jednica Nacionalnog parka "Risnjak". Glas.
vegetacije prašumskog rezervata "Corkova Uvašum.
Pokuse 23: 95-140.
la" u Hrvatskoj. Akad. Nauka i Umjet. Bosn. 22 Vukelić , J., 1992: A Supplement to the Research
Herceg. 15(4): 125-130. on Fir Forests in North Velebit. U: Prpić, B., Se17.
Trinajstić , I., 1972: O rezultatima komparativletković,
Z. (ur.): 6. IUFRO Tannensymposium
nih istraživanja florističkog sastava prašumskih i 133-142. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagospodarskih
sastojina zajednice Fagetum Cro-grebu.
aticum Abietetosum Ht. u Hrvatskoj. Šum. list 96 23 Vukelić, J., Z. Španjol, 1990: Fitocenološki
(9-10): 334-347. karakter čistih sastojina obične breze Betula
18. Trinaj stić, I., 1986: Šuma jele i bekice (Luzulo-Pendula Roth.) u području panonskih šuma bukAbietetum
Oberd. 1957). U: Jovanović, B, R. ve i jele (Fagetum Croaticum Boréale AbieteJovanović,
M. Zupančić: Prirodna potencijalna tosum Horv.) na Papuku. Šum. list 114(9-10):
vegetacija Jugoslavije (komentar karte M 357-368.
1:1.000.000). Naučno veće Vegetacijske karte 24. Vukelić, J.,D. Baričević, 1996: Fitocenološ-
Jugoslavije. ka usporedba dinarskih i panonskih bukovo-jelo19.
Trinajstić , I., 1995: Urwald, Naturwald, Wirtvih
šuma (Abieti-Fagetum s. L.) u Hrvatskoj U:
schaftswald Ein Vergleich Der Floristischen Matić, S., Gračan, J. (ur.): Skrb za hrvatske šume
Struktur. Sauteria 6: 109-132. od 1846. do 1996. Unapređenje proizvodnje bio20.
Van der M aarel, E., 1979: Transformation of mase šumskih ekosustava, 1: 87-96. Hrvatsko
cover-abundance values in phytosociology and šumarsko društvo. Zagreb.
its effects on community similarity. Vegetatio 39 25. Vukelić , J., Đ. Rauš , 1998: Šumarska fitoceno(
2): 97-114. logija i šumske zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski
Vukelić, J., 1985: Doprinos fotointerpretacijske fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
analize vegetacijskom istraživanju šumskih za-
SUMMARY: Today, the numerical analysis in phytosociological research
presents a trend in the world, and any publishing of works in foreign phytosociological
publications without the numerical analysis practically is impossible.
The introduction of phytosociological records into our researches is indispensable,
because the number of records for individual associations shows a
slow yet permanent increase. The analysis of such a large number of records
by classical method (i.e. by making of phytosociological tables) is very difficult
and not-easy-to consult.

Lately, the phytosociologists are aften criticized for neglecting many ecological
parameters in their research, namely for the lack of objectivity in their
work. For this reason, nowadays, in the world the statistical methods (such as
Correspondence Analysis) are used more and more often, which in addition to
the floral composition take into consideration certain ecological parameters,
too (temperature, soil, moisture, altitude, exposition, inclination, and the like,
comp. Digby &Kempton 1987).

Today, in Croatia, there is not a single statistical package for the numerical
analysis of phytosociological records, so publishing of works containing such
analysis in publications is impossible. In 2000, we stayed several times in
Ljubljana in the Institute for Biology at the Slovenian Academy of Arts and
Science, where we got acquainted with the work on the said analysis. As there
is a co-operation of many years between ourselves and the Institute for
Biology in Ljubljana, for this occasion we have prepared a compilation of all
earlier phytosociological researches of the beech-fir forests in Croatia. The
objective of this work is to encourage our research workers for more intensive
(multidisciplinary) researches, with the task to form by means of a more objective
approach to phytosociological researches a clearer pictur of the vegetation
of Croatia.