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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2000 str. 76 <-- 76 --> PDF |
A. Frković: MUNGOS NA OTOKU MLJETU Šumarski list br. II 12. CXX1V (2(>0P|. W3-WS LITERATURA Ban n i ko v, A. G. et ali, (1971): Žiznživotnih, 6. tom, Tadi ć, A., (1971): Priroda otoka Mljeta. Priroda. 2, s. Moskva. 40-43. Car, Z., (1967): Razvrstavanje i prirodoslovlje divljaTresić- Pavičić , A., (1936): Mungos na otoku Brači. U: Lovački priručnik LSH, Zagreb s. 69-281. ču. Priroda 8, s.251-252. J e r i č e v i ć, J., ( 1936): Mungosi - novi lovni štetočina. Tvrtković, N., (1995): Istraživanje faune otoka Lovački vjesnik 8, s. 327-329; 12, s. 532. Mljeta. Prirodne značajke i društvena valorizacija otoka Mljeta. Ekološke monografije 6, Zagreb M. H., (1936): Mungos u Dalmaciji. Priroda 1, s. s. 293-295. 349-350. Tvrtković, N., Krystufek, B., (1990): Small In Macan , T., (1961): Jeleni na Mljetu i Badiji. Priroda 1, s. 21-22. dian mongoose Herpestes auropunetatus on the Adriatic Islands of Yugoslavia. Bonn. zool. Beitr M acan , T., (1961): Mungosi s Mljeta na filmu. Priro 41. s. 3-8. da 8, s. 251 -252. Vuković , A., (1949): Mungosi na otoku Korčuli. Lo Rogić , P,. (1953): Ptice i ptičarenje na otoku Mljetu. vački vjesnik 8/9, s. 140. Priroda. 3, s.l 11 -113 x x x ( 1927): Mungo na otoku Mljetu. Priroda 6, s. 137; Sanderson , J. T., (1967): Sisari. Mladinska knjiga, 9, 186-189; 10, s.226-227." Ljubljana. SUMMARY: At the beginning of the 20"´ century the Ministry of Agriculture in Vienna passed a resolution to introduce mongooses onto the island of Mljet with the aim of removing excessive venomous snake population which represented a constant threat to human health and cattle. According to the text of the "announcement" of the then County Authorities in Dubrovnik prescribing the protection of the newly-introduced predator, the introduction was made on 25 A ugust 1910 in the area of the present National Park Mljet. Seven male and four female animals, belonging to the species of the Indian grey mongoose (Herpestes javanicus auropunetatus), were chosen as the best eradicator of venomous snakes from the family Cibetki. Having adapted well and proliferating without any obstacles, over the next twenty years the mongoose almost completely exterminated the viper population. Since then a wide variety of small animals, resident and migratory bird species, as well as poultry in human settlements, have fallen prey to it. Its excessive numbers had disturbed the relations among other wild animal species to such an extent that its legal protection was abolished in 1949. So far the attempts to decrease the mongoose population to an acceptable number has not given any positive results. Key words : the island of Mljet, the Indian grey mongoose (Herpestes javanicus auropunetatus), introduction |