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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2000 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF


Šumarski list br. 5 6, CXXIV (2000), 243-302

kako zbog zagađenja, tako i krčenja. To neće moći biti koji bi tako osigurao rast životnog standarda. To će
uspješno riješeno bez skladnog gospodarskog razvoja, međutim morati pričekati neko bolje vrijeme.

IZVORI - Sources1

Y. Be to laud, J. Meo, 1978., La Filiere bois; Paris

R. Duroure, 1982., Propositions pour une politique
globale foret-bois;

B. deJouvenel, 1978., Vers la foret du 21 erne siecle;

F. G u i 11 a u m e, 1986., Déclaration du Ministre, Foire
d´Epinal et A.G. FNSPFS, Paris

Guinier, Ph., Oudin, A., Schaeffer, L., 1947.,
Technique Forestiere, Libr. Agricole, Horticole,
Forestiere et Ménagere, Paris

Ministre d´Agriculture et Foret, 1986., Circulaire concernant
le Guide régional sur production, Paris

L´ONF, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1990

TON F, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1991

l´ONF, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1992

l´ONF, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1993

l´ONF, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1994

l´ONF, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1995

l´ONF, 1996, Rapport Annuel 1996

l´ONF, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1997

l´ONF, 1991, Rapport Annuel 1998

DERF, 1995, La Politique Forestiere Française, Paris

DERF, 1991, Un Atout pour la Foret, Paris

l´ONF, 1997, Des Forets pour les Hommes, des Hommes
pour la Foret, Fontainebleau

La collection "GRAPH-AGRI" 1996., La Foret ez les
Industries du Bois 1996

Pinchemel, Philippe, 1980, La France: Milieux naturels,
populations, politiques, I & II, Armand Colin,

Renouvin, Pierre, 1953, Histoire des relations internationales,
Tomes I&II, Librarie Hachette, Paris

"´ U gornjim izvorima ne navode se radovi citirani u tekstu, a isto
tako i oni koji nemaju neposrednu vezu sa subjektom kojim se
članak bavi.

SUMMARY: The French National Forestry Service, ONF, which manages
public forests, is subdivided into 25 Regional forestry directions, 21 of which
are i metropolitan France covering 95 departments (inclusive two at the island
of Corsica) with a total forest area of 3.81 million ha. From 1946 four overseas
departments have been created: French Guiana, Réunion (in the archipelago
of Mascareignes close to the island of Madagascar, eastwardly from
Africa, in the Indian Ocean), and Martinique and Guadeloupe (in the arhipelagu
of Lesser Antilles, dividing Atlantic Ocean from Carribean Sea).

The insular departments are under forests more by the fact that area which
remained after successive agricultural planting during two centuries has become
treeless absolute forest soil, or small dispersed patches of former au-
tochtoneous forests in unapproachable mountain steep slopes and ravines.
French Guiana however, is covered by forests more than 90% by tropis evergreen
rain forests, the greatest part of which untouched. In both cases the
management is in hands of an European industrially developed country, which
is an unique example in the world.