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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2000 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF


Šumarski list br. 5-6. CXXIV (2000), 271-278

od h2 =0,79 za debljine sjemena i h2= 0,78 za širinu

Od korelacijskih veza najveću međuzavisnost pokazuje
odnos debljine i širine sjemena, dok kod ostalih
korelacijskih veza mnogi neobuhvaćeni čimbenici
imaju veliki udio u toj vezi.

Sva stabla koja imaju male dužine, širine, debljine i
mase sjemena možemo svrstatiti pod varijetet divlje
trešnje, Prunus avium var. actiana L., koji predstavlja
čistu divlju trešnju.

U populacijama divlje trešnje veliko je učešće stabala
koja su nastala spontanom hibridizacijom sa

sortama pitome trešnje. Tako u populacijama imamo
stabla F,, F2, F3 i drugih generacija, što daje veliku
varijabilnost populaciji za istraživana svojstva.

Prisutna hibridizacija sa sortama pitome trešnje daje
novu kvalitetu selekciji, jer se mogu selekcionirati
stabla koja imaju veliko značenje za šumarstvo i poljoprivredu.

Postojanje varijabiliteta za analizirana svojstva ukazuje
na mogućnost njenog korištenja pri izvođenju
šumsko uzgojnih radova, kao i za osnivanje sjemenskih


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SUMMARY: Morphological properties of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.)
seeds that have been studied showed high individual variability. Among the
four studedproperties, the seed length has shown highest variability, which is
property of (F= 117,50**), and assessment of heredity is the highest for the
same property (h2=0.84). Other properties gave somewhat lower values.

The minimal values of length, width, thickness and weight of seed grains,
inform us that they characterise a "wild type " of wild cherry, known as the variety
of Prunus avium var. actinata.

The analysed correlations do not present a firm interdépendance, actually
they present the opposite, except for the correlations between seed thickness
and seed width (r=0,H7H5). This indicates that there are many factors affecting
the particular property even though they are not included in the span of
this researches. From this is drawn that only multilateral correlations should
be considered and used in further studies.

The research shows that population consists of numerous hybrid plants, F,,
F2, F3, and other generations that are a product of hybridisation with domestic
cherry sorts. This fact provides a considerable possibility for selection in
forestry and agronomy.

The existence of high variability in the analysed properties introduce the
possibility for using wild cherry in forest cultivation as well as in establishing
the seed basis.

K ey w o rds : Prunus avium, wild cherry, seed variability, heretability.