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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2000 str. 38     <-- 38 -->        PDF


Šumarski list br. 3 4, (XXIV (2000), 143-156

Pintarić, K., (1989): Rast i prirast ariša različitih
provenijencija na pokusnoj plohi "Samin gaj",
Rakovica kod Sarajeva. Šumarstvo i prerada dr-
veta XLIII, sv. 7-12, str. 163-174, Sarajevo,

Rau, H. M., (1992): Recent result of the II international
provenance experiment with European Larch
(Larix decidua Mill.). Proceedings: IUFRO Centennial
Meeting of IUFRO Working Party S2-02-
07., Berlin,

Rohmeder, E. - Schön bach, H., (1959): Genetik
und Züchtung der Waldbäume, Berlin,

Schober, R., (1985): Neue Ergebnisse des II Internationalen
Lärchenprovenienz Versuche von

1958/59 nach Aufnahmen von Teilversuchen in
europäischen Ländern und den USA. Schriftenreihe
der Forstlichen Fakultät der Universität
Göttingen, Band 83, Frankfurt a/M.

Weisgerber, H., (1992): Recenzt Investigate into
geographical-genetic Variation among Provenance
of European Larch (Larix decidua Mill.).
Results and future Trends in Larc Breeding on
the Basis of Provenance Research. Proceedings:
IUFRO Centeral Meeting of IUFRO Working
Party S2-02-07., Berlin,

SUMMARY: The increment of larch of various provenances was studied in
the experimental plot "Batalovo Brdo" near Sarajevo as part of the II
International Survey on European larch of various provenances project. In
terms of height, breast diameter and volume, the most productive larch provenances
up to the age of 30 are those from the eastern areal of the European
larch (the Sudetes and the Carpathians). However, there are provenances in
the area of the Alps, particularly in its eastern part, which do not lag behind
the most productive provenances originating from the Carpathian area.
Significant differences in the increment were detected in the younger stage of
individual provenances, but these differences decreased with age. Also, distinct
PRETICANJE was found at a younger age, which later decreased. The
productivity is in negative correlation with the quality, so that the most productive
provenances were not those of the best quality. The provenances with
average productivity had the best quality. Larch cancer was not detected in
any of the provenances in our experimental plot.