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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2000 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

.1. Salck-Grginčić: PRIVATNIH SUMA HRASTA K1TNJAKA (Quetvus petraea Licbl.) NA PODRUČJU..

Šumarski list br. 3 4. CXXIV (2000), 123

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Meštrović, S., 1978: Pravilnik o izradi Šumskopri-
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SUMMARY: Privately owned forests are an integral part of forest ecosystems.
Private forests are eharaeterised by their small surface areas, so that estates of about
ten hectares per owner are very rare. Such small-sized estates are often made even
smaller by being cut into several small parts.

With the area of 40,713 ha, private forests in the area of Forest Office Karlovac
make up 33% of the total area of forests and forest/and.

The research into the basic structural elements for the purpose of establishing the
real state and methods of management in private forests has encompassed natural
preserved stands of sessile oak of high silviculturalform in the Forest Administration
Karlovac, Forest Office Duga Resa.

A total of five plots sized 0.50 - 1,00 hectare were established in the climatozonal
belt of the association of sessile oak and common hornbeam rQuerco petrae -
Carpinetum illyricum Horv. 193(H). The stands in five age classes (II - VI) in the site
of the first class quality were included.

On the basis of the obtained results and their interpretation, several conclusions
may be drawn related to the management of sessile oak stands in private forests.

1. All studied stands have bell-like (uni-modal) distribution of breast diameters
characteristic of even-aged stands. Due to natural processes and methods of
management, bigger or smaller aberrations of individual distributions have occurred
in relation to the theoretical model of Gauss´s normal distribution.

2. Since oak is a heliophyllic tree species in which the method of management is
governed by the age of the stand and not its diameter class, sessile stands of high