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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2000 str. 14 <-- 14 --> PDF |
1. Martinić: KOLIKO SMO BLIZU LKOLOSKI PRIHVATLJIVOJ UPORABI MHHANI/ACTJL U ŠUMARSTVU? Šumarski list br. I 2, CXXIV (2()()0),3-13 operations to the soil, 133-147, Louvain-la-Neu- ve1989. K o o 1 e n, A. J., 1989: Strategies to avoid or to reduce detrimental impacts: working techniques for avoiding damage. Proceedings of the ECE/- FAO/ILO/IUFRO seminar on the Impact of mechanization of forest operations to the soil, 235-248, Louvain-la-Neuve 1989. K r i v e c, A., 1975. Racionalizacija delovnih procesov v sečnji in izdelavi ter spravljenju lesa odvisnosti od delovnih pogojev in poškodb. Institut za goz- dno in lesno gospodarstvo pri Biotehniški fakulteti, str. 58, Ljubljana 1975. Kulaš,.!., 1979: Štete na pomlatku kod izvlačenja de- bala clam bunk skidderom Ösa 260. Meh. šumar. 3(1979)219-222. K u 1 u š i ć, B., 1990: Karakteristike šumskih terena kao indikatori izbora tehnologije privlačenja drveta. Meh. šumar. 15(1990)3-4,63-68. Martinić, I., 1991: Oštećenje sastojine pri obaranju stabala, izradi i privlačenju drva. Sum. list CXV, (1991) 1-2,33-47. Martinić, I., 1992: Interakcije metoda rada, radnih uvjeta i proizvodnosti rada pri sječi i izradi drva u proredama sastojina. Glas. šum. pokuse, 28 (1992), 133-178. Martinić, I. 1993: Neke činjenice u svezi sa šumskim radovima. Glas. šum. pokuse, posebno izdanje 4 (1993), 321-330. M a t i ć, S., 1983 : Šuma i mehanizacija. Zbornik savjetovanja "Šumarska mehanizacija u teoriji i praksi" Opatija 1983, str. 37-46. Rebula, E., 1991: Posljedice gradnje vlaka u šumi. Meh. šumar. 16(1991)3, 161-171. Rebula, E., 1999: Kašnjenje kod uvođenja visoke tehnologije pri dobivanju sortimenata u Sloveniji - uzroci kašnjenja te izgledi njihovoga otklanjanja / Delays in introducing high technology into producing assortments in Slovenia - Reasons for delay and chances for their removal. Zbornik sažetaka IUFRO konferencije "Iskrsli problemi iskorištavanja šuma i promjena tehno logija na kraju stoljeća" / Emerging Harvesting Issues and Technology Transition at the End of the Century, Opatija. Sever, S., Horvat, D., 1981: Utjecaj nekih karakteristika tla na prohodnost vozila te prijedlog za njihovo proučavanje kod izrade klasifikacije šumskih terena. Meh. šumar. 6 (9-10): 287-299. Sever, S., Goglia, V., Pičman, V., Horvat, D., R i s o v i ć, S., 1989: Osovinska opterećenja i dodirni tlakovi vozila na privlačenju i prijevozu drva iz proreda. Meh. šumar. 14 (5): 217-226. Sishiuchi, M., Satomura, Y., 1994: Influence of tractor logging on soil surface condition and the growth of planted seedlings. Interactive seminar and workshop "Soil, tree, machines interaction", 1-6, Feldafing 1994. Smith, R. B., Krag, R. K., Senyk, J. P., 1989: Soil disturbance and impacts on tree growth resulting from forestry operations in mountain terrain. Proceedings of the ECE/FAO/ILO/IUFRO seminar on the Impact of mechanization of forest operations to the soil, 113-132, Louvain-la-Neuve 1989. Tomanić, S., Vondra, V., Martinić, I., 1989: Oštećivanje sastojina pri šumskim radovima. Meh. šumar. 14(1989) 3-4, 65-72. Warkotch,P. W., Huysten,L. Van, Olsen, G. J., 1994: Soil compaction damage, root growth, yield losses in eucalyptus grandis plantations in Zululand, South Africa. Interactive seminar and workshop "Soil, tree, machines interaction", 1- 22, Feldafing 1994. Wästerlund,L, 1989: Effect of damage on the newly thinned stand due mechanized forest operations. Proceedings of the ECE/FAO/ILO/IUFRO seminar on the Impact of mechanization of forest operations to the soil 1989, 165-177, Louvain-la- Neuve 1989. Zdjelar, M., 1990: Utjecaj metoda gradnje traktorskih vlaka na proizvodnost i ekonomičnost rada, oštećivanje stabala i naprezanje radnika. Meh. šumar. 15(1990) 1-2,3-26. SUMMARY: Forest ecosystems are exposed to longterm degradation due to forest machinery used in various operations in forest management. Meritory subjects agree on the fact that performing forest operations without inflicting damage to environment is not conductible, being so even when all imaginabile safety precautions are applied. On account of constant pressure on soil structure and principally because of machinery movement in forest stands, predominant damage is done by vehicles. This impact is mainly re- 12 |