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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1999 str. 67     <-- 67 -->        PDF

A. P. B. Krpan i M. Šušnjar: NORMIZACIJA ŠUMSKIH DRVNIH PROIZVODA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ Šumarski list br. 5 6, C XXIII (1999), 241-245
4. LITERATURA References
Krpan, A. P. B., Zečić, Ž., Poršinski, T., Šuš-* Pravilnik o načinu osnivanja i rada tehničkih odbora.

nj ar, M., 1998: Priručnik za terensku nastavu iz Narodne novine br. 86 (1998), str. 1930-1932.

Eksploatacije šuma (Poglavlje: Izvod iz hrvat

* Oglasnik za normativne navode, Glasilo DZNM 1-2
skih normi za oblo drvo), Šumarski fakultet Za

(1999), str. A28-A29.

greb,, str. 1-83.

**CEN: Programme of work. May 1997., str. 20-21.

Morić-Gaćeša, V. 1999: Osnovan ISO/TC 218

** CEN: Programme of work. November 1998., str. 1

Oblo drvo i piljena građa, drvni poluproizvodi,

Glasilo DZNM l-2,str.50.

*** Radni materijali Tehničkog odbora 55 Oblo drvo i

Vu k o v i ć, M. 1998: Europske norme, Glasilo DZNM

piljena građa

9-10, str. 156-164.

*** Radni materijali CEN Technical committee 175

Z i m a, S. 1998: Tehnički odbori, Glasilo DZNM 9-10,

Round and sawn timber

str. 165-168.

*** Radni materijali ISO/ Technical committee 218

Zima , S. 1999: Prvih tisuću novih hrvatskih normi,

timber i sawlogs, semi-manufactures of

Glasilo DZNM 1-2, str.3-6.


* Zakon o normizaciji.
Narodne novine br. 55 (1996),
str. 2336-2343.
SUMMARY: Standardization of forest timber products in Croatia began after
foundation of the Technical Committee 55 Round and sawn timber in february
1997. The Croatian standardization system is not congruent with
International and European standardization. Forest timber products are not
correspond to the principles of global market so Croatian forestry have to accept
International and European standards of round timber or to define new
Croatian standards. The Technical Committee 55 are suggested 10 european
standards for enquiry to acceptance, and 8 standards are prepeared to be suggested.
Two Croatian standards shall be withdrawn at the next period.
European standards are different from Croatian standards and theirs acceptance
will cause changes in the forest works and in the trade of round timber.
Because of this, we have to start education of forest workers and adaption of

forestry and timber industry business organization.
Key words: Technical Committee 55, standardization, forest timber