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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1999 str. 61     <-- 61 -->        PDF

.1. Zelić. P. Benčić: POKUS LOKALNIH POPULACIJA HRASTA LUŽNJAKA (Quercus mhur I.) U 1´0/KŠKOJ... Šumarski liši br. 5 ft, C XXIII (1999), 227-239

reda ekološko-gospodarskog tipa II -G - 10 10. Osnova gospodarenja: "Poljadijske šume", Uprava
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emend. Rauš 1969), Radovi, Vol. 28, br. 1-2, str.

ll.Pran j ić, A.: Odnos visinskog i debljinskogpriras

79-89, Jasrtrebarsko, 1993.

ta u sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka, Glasnik za šum

5. Gračan, J., Komlenović, N., Rastovski, P.: ske pokuse, broj 20, Zagreb, 1980.
Pokus provenijencija hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus
12. Rauš , Đ.: Šumarska fitocenologija (skripta) Zarobur
L.), Šumarski list 6-9, 1991.

greb, 1986.

6. Gračan, J., Perić,Z.: Pokus provenijencija hrasta
13. Serdar , V.: Udžbenik statistike, Školska knjiga lužnjaka
(Quercus robur L.), Radovi, Volumen

Zagreb 1966.

28, broj 1-2, 1993.).

14. Trinajstić, I., Franjić, J., Samardžić, J.,
7. Hrast lužnjak u Hrvatskoj (Pedunculate oak in CroaSamardžić
, I.: Fitocenološke začajke šuma

tia), Monografija, Vinkovci - Zagreb, HAZU - i,

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8. Krej č i, V.: Prirast širine krošnje u zajednici hrasta

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15.Vidaković,M., Krstinić,A.: Genetika i ople

Quercetum roboris Horvat, 1938) na području

menjivanje šumskog drveća, Šumarski fakultet

Hrvatske, Radovi, Šumarski institut Jastrebar

Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1985.

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16. Vukelić, J., Rauš,Đ.: Šumarska fitocenologija i
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Hrvatskoj, Komisija za rajonizaciju, Zagreb,

Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 1998.

ožujka 1995.

SUMMARY: Local population (5) experiment of common oak (Quercus
robur LJ i Požega Valley planted on locality forest nursery "Hajderovac", Forest
Office Kutjevo.

The results ofmeasurments of plants heights and diameters has been determined
diferences and significant betveen local population.

After first growing (1996), the highets average heights had local population
3 -Eminovački lug (22,3 cm), the lowest average heghts had local population
5 -Sesvetački lug (17,5 cm). The highets (biggest) average diameter (at
root neck) had local population 4 - Kulski lug (6,4 mm ) , the lowest average
diameter had local population 5 -Sesvetački lug (4,9 mm). The highest proportion
betveen height and diameter (h/d) had local population 4 - Kulski lug
(40,1) ond the lowest had local population /- Ugarci (20,1).

After second growing (1997), the highets average heights had local population
3 -Eminovački lug (48,4 cm), the lowest average heights had local population
5 -Sesvetački lug (33,9 cm). The highets (biggest) average diameter
(at root neck) had local population 4 - Kulski lug (9,5 mm), the lowest average
diameter had local population 5 -Sesvetački lug (5,5 mm). The highest proportion
between height and diameter (h/d) had local population 5 -Sesvetački
lug (73,3) ond the lowest had local population 4 - Kulski lug (25,3).

After established the experimental field plot and after third growing
(1998), the highets average heights had localpopulaton 1 - Ugarci (50,1 cm),
the lowest average heghts had local population 5 -Sesvetački lug (23,0 cm).
The highets (biggest) average diameter (at root neck) had local popuulation
/- Ugarci (10,1 mm), the lowest average diameter had local population 5 Sesvetački
lug (5,0 mm). The highest proportion betveen height and diameter
(h/d) had local ppulation 4- Kulski lug (60,7) ond the lowest had local population
1 - Ugarci (26,4).

Key words: Local population, Quercus robur L., subassotiation, seed,
acorn, field plot, height, diameter, proportion between height and diameter
(h/d), parameter of regression (b).