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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1999 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

M. Nudilo: VRTOVI SAKRALNIH OHJI.KAIA DUBROVAČKOG PODRUČJA Šumarski list br. 5 6. CXXIII (1999). 217-226
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Regula-Bevilaqua, Lj., Ilijanić, Lj., (1984): Zdra vković, I. (1951.): "Dubrovački dvorci, Anali"
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Croatica vol. 43, Zagreb, Arheološki institut.

SUMMARY: The area of Dubrovnik consits of six geografical regions:
Konavle, Župa, Primorje, the island of Mljet and Elaphitic islands.

The historical description of constructings is given for each sight, as well
as the ground plans and vegetation.

In this report you canjind information about the Franciscan monastery of
the LITTle Brothers, the Dominican monastery, both in Dubrovnik, and the
Benedictine monastery on the island Mljet.

The garden of the Franciscan monastery dates probably from the 14 th ct.,
framed by the monastery cloister from the same period, representing the
unique harmony of constructions and vegetation.

The garden of the Dominican monastery is surrounded by the cloister,
cared and rearranged, recently.

The garden of the Benedictine monastery on the island of Mljet is neglected
as well as the sight itself. According to historical data the garden belongs to
the local Renaissance period.

Although cultivated, separrated and isolated from its natural surrounding,
the little island of St. Mary and the Benedictine monastery on it, cannot be but
the unique, grown - together part of it.