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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1999 str. 38     <-- 38 -->        PDF

Glavaš, J. Margalctic, M. Baltic & M. Vuković: STKTh OD PUHOVA U ŠUMAMA (JORSKOG KOIARA Šumarski list br. 5-6. CXXI1I (1999). 211-216

Prelac,G. , 1996: Određivanje gustoće populacije ve- Tvrtković , IM., 1997: Puhovi od biologije do kuhilikog
puha u Gospodarskoj jedinici "Delnice". nje. Katalog izložbe, Hrvatski prirodoslovni mu-
Diplomski rad. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u zej, str. 3.

Zagrebu, str. 1-62. Tvrtković, N., Đulić, B., Grubešić, M., 1995:
Prpić,B. , 1993: Uloga šuma u održivome razvoju Re- Distribution and habitats of dormice in Croatia.
publike Hrvatske. Šumarski list 117(l-2):5-6. In: Filippucci, M.G. (ed.): Proc. II Conf. on Dor-

Rauš, Đ., Trinajstić, I., Vukelić, J., Medve - mice. Hystrix, (n.s.) 6(1-2) (1994): 199-207.
dović,J., 1992: Biljni svijet hrvatskih šuma. U: Vajda,Z., 1974: Nauka o zaštiti šuma. Školska knji-
Rauš, Đ. (ed.), 1992: Šume u Hrvatskoj, Grafički ga, Zagreb, str. 306-307.
zavod, Zagreb, str. 33-77.

SUMMARY: There are three dormouse species that inhabit the mountain
area of Croatia (Gorski Kotar, Lika): the fat dormouse (Myoxus glis L.), the
forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula Pall.) and the common dormouse (Muscardinus
avellanarius L.). In Gorski Kotar, the most widely spread and the
most numerous is the fat dormouse, specially in the fruitfull years of beech tree
(Fagus sylvatica L.) whose seeds (beechnuts) are its basic food. The multiplication
of dormice is extremely high during the fruitfull periods of beech tree,
when they can cause significant damage to the forest trees.

The artificially cultivated spruces (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) are specially
endangered, while natural silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and beech are less endangered.
Damage occurs in springtime in the beginning of vegetation period
and consists of biting off the bark, mostly at the upper third of a tree trunk.

According to Delnice Forestry evidence, in the period from 1972 to 1976 in
several spruce cultures of forestry unit of "Delnice " on the 50 hectares large
area, over 8,000 spruce trees dried up because of the rings made by dormice.
During the period between 1980 and 1983 in Ogulin forestry unit, in mixed coniferous
and deciduous forests, the damage done by Myoxus glis was recorded
on about 200 hectares. In the period between 1989 and 1998 the damage in
Fužine area was recorded on 13 ha, in Delnice (1995-1998) on 9,50 ha, in
Lokve (1995-1998) on 2,40 ha, in Ravna gora (1998) on 2,70 ha, in Crni lug
(1998) on 12,52 ha and in Mrkopalj (1998) on 20 ha.

The big dormouse is protected by law but is a game animal and can be hunted
(Narodne novine, 61/1994), especially in the fruitfull years of beechnut. In
so-called "dormouse "years the big dormouse is not jeopardized to be exterminated
by hunting, since its population density increases very much then, and
it is impossible to exterminate it totally. Intensity of damage depends on the fat
dormouse population density. That density depends on environmental ecological
factors, hunting and forest management. We suggest replacing artifical
spruce cultures with species that naturally grow in those endangered areas.

Key w o rds: damages, dormice, spruce cultures, Gorski Kotar