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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1999 str. 32 <-- 32 --> PDF |
I. Martinic: SIGURNOST I ZDRAVIJI: ŠUM. KADNIKA-POTIC´AJ ZA NJIHOVO UNAPREĐENJE li IIRVAISKOJ SUMMARY: The first part of this paper shows the state of forestry work in Croatia focusing on the level of safety and health of forestry workers. The se cond part shows the results achieved in this area in the countries with high le vel standards of work protection. It also sets out the idea of including safety in the management system and achieving safety culture. The third part of this paper explains the basic guidelines of the Croatian safety programme at forestry work. According to standard indicators of safety and workers´ protection, the forestry of the Republic of Croatia is unfortunately very highly ranked in view of the number of work injuries, volume of professional diseases, number of work invalids and low level of national standards and codes regulating protection of forestry workers. The gap, known to have existed even before in comparison with forestry employees of developed countries, is only becoming deeper. While great efforts are being made to develop personal protection of workers and up-grade the ergonomic work factors in developed countries, In Croatia such activities have almost died away. Comprehensive Vondra s questionnaire of J 998, conducted among cutters, tractor drivers and chokerers showed many deficiencies in taking care of workers ´safety and health. They include the problem of work invalidity, appropriate supply of workers with personal protection kit, adequate training, etc. The assessment of the programme and of efficiency of safety training showed that its implementation in "Hrvatske šume " has been incomplete and of low professional level. More than half of all work injuries in 1997 were caused by irregular work operations and non observance of work safety rules. Additional objections to unsatisfying safety precautions are insufficient supply of personal protection kits as well as poor surveillance and lack of measures against employees who do not use them regularly. The assessment of the competence of third party contractors in performing forestry work showed that forest work is carried out without obligatory licensing by contractors whose employees as a rule have poor if any professional knowledge and skill required for performing safe forestry work. Croatian forestry is suggested to acquire the national programme for the development of safety and protection at work. Legislative, personnel and organisational bases for its development and implementation have already been provided. The basic segments of the programme refer to: (I) complete implementation of the Act for Work Protection of 1997, (2) improvement of work techniques of forest workers, (3) licensing of contractors, (4) collecting data and reporting, (5) research and international co-operation, (6) preparation of regulations and standards. Key w o rds: forestry work, safety, health, accidents at work Šumarski list br. 5 6, CXX1II (l<-)9<-)), 201-210 |