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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1999 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

N. Pcrnar, D. Bakšić. Z. Spanjol: NEKE ZNAČAJKE HUMIZACIJK U BOROVIM KULTURAMA NA OTOKU RABU Šumarski list br. 3-4. CXX1II (1999). 101-108
Glede uloge i značenja borovih kultura u ekosusta- rije za prosudbu učinka takvih kultura u odnosu na
vima eumediteranskog i submediteranskog podru- pedološke pokazatelje stanja i trenda razvoja ekočja
Hrvatske, smatramo da bi trebalo razraditi krite- sustava.
LITERATURA - References

Gračanin , M., 1947: Pedologija (Tloznanstvo). II. M artinović , J., 1997: Tloznanstvo u zaštiti okoliša,
dio Fiziografija tala. Poljoprivredni nakladni za- Priručnik za inženjere. DUZO i Pokret prijatelja
vod, Zagreb. prirode LIJEPA NAŠA, Zagreb.

Kumada, K., 1987: Chemistry of soil organic matter. Schulten, H.-R. &M. Schnitzer, 1997: Chemical
Japan Scientific Societies Press Tokyo, Elsevier model structures for soil organic matter and
Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo. soils. Soli Science, 162(2): 115-130.

MacCatrhy,P, C. E. Clapp, R.L.Malcolm & P. Snyder, K. E. & S.A. L. Pilgrim, 1985: Sharper fo-

R. Bloom , 1990: Humic Substances in Soil and cus on forest floor horizons. Soil Surv. Horizons
Crop Sciences. Soil Sci Soc. Am., Madison. 26:9-15.
Martinović , J., 1987: Odnos tla i šumskih požara. Stevenson , F. J., 1994: Humus chemistry - Genesis,

U: Amerl, B. (editor): Osnove zaštite šuma od Composition, Reactions. John Wiley & Sons,
požara. CIP, Zagreb. Inc. New York.
SUMMARY: Humus is a complex group of organic compounds participating
with 80-85% of weight in the organic soil complex in relation to dry matter.
The remaining 15-20% relates to organic remains (wots and aboveground
waste) that have preserved their anatomic structure, and to soil flora and fauna.

The processes which lead to the accumulation of humus in the soil are included
in the term humization, which is one of elementary soil-forming
processes. Humization is, therefore, the accumulation of humified organic
matter in the soil. It is the result ofhumification and mineralization. The humifying
indicators of quality and quantity are very important for the study ofpedogenetic

This paper presents initial research in three pine plantations on the island
of Rab. The aim was to analyse the condition of humus in the humus-accumulative
soil horizon.

We were guided by the assumption that the characteristics of humization in
forest ecosystems of eu-Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean region of
Croatia are reflected in:

- the cycle of biogenic elements and nutritive status of soil,
- the wear of parent substrate, especially in terms of soluble organogenic
sediments such as Mesozoic limestones,
- the soil structure, especially its surface part, and its relation to erosion,
-accumulation of inflammable material on the soil surface.
Soil samples were taken from the A-horizon in a 63-years-old Aleppo pine
plantation growing on shallow brown soil on calcareous breccias, from an 33years-
old Aleppo pine plantation on medium deep brown soil on limestone,
and from a 90-years-old culture of maritime pine on eutric brown soil on sand.
Differences in the humus content and composition, as well as the nitrogen content
were analysed.
Differences in the humus content are particularly prominent in mean tests
and standard deviation tests, where mean values range from 45. J g kg´ to