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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1999 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF


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Prpić, B., Vranković,A., Rauš, Đ., Matić, S., sušenje šuma hrasta lužnjaka u bazenu Česme.
Pranjić , A. & Meštrović , Š., 1994: Utjecaj In: Sever, S. (ed.), Zaštita šuma i pridobivanje

ekoloških i gospodarskih činilaca na sušenje hradrva,
Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu &
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institut Jastrcbarsko, Zagreb, pp.
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Zagreb, Zagreb, pp. 273-298. pokuse 29:275-294.

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Advances in Research in Intermediate Oak

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SUMMARY: The paper presents synecological-vegetative research of
forest associations of pedunculate oak carried out in the Management Unit
of "Žutica".

During three years´ research in the forest "Žutica ", its phytocoenology was
described, and the forest was recorded, systematized and mapped. The present
condition of this forest was compared with that of the past, as well as with the
research in lowland forests growing on pedunculate oak sites affected by
dieback (Kalje, Turopoljski Lug, Pokuplje Basin).

A total of five pedunculate oak associations was phytocoenologically described
in the studied area, of which the forest of pedunculate oak and great
green weed with common hornbeam for the first.

According to research, over 700 ha of the most interesting and valuable

forests of pedunculate oak were affected by abrupt and intensive external and
internal influences. The principal tree species desiccated, the site conditions
and forest associations changed, and a negative succession of forest vegetation
took place. The physiognomy and structure of floral compositions lost the
character of typically developed associations. A large amount of species indi