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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1999 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

1. Trinajslić: STO SU Alill-lS l´ARDI´J (iUSSONh 1 -.-IHIHS HIOKOrOKSSIS"! Šumarski list br. I 2. CXXIII (I 99´)). 11-16
Gudeski , A., 1983: Anatomski karakteristiki na igli-57-65. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.,
čite kaj nekoi populacii balkanski eli kako metod Zagreb.
za nivno taksonomsko diferencirate. Šumarski Radić , J., 1974: Prilog poznavanju flore Biokova.

pregled (Skopje) 5-6: 12-35. Acta Bot. Croat. 33:219-229.

K ušan , F., 1955: Osobitost u sastavu i rasporedu biljR
a d i ć, J., 1976: Bilje Biokova. Makarska.
nog svijeta na planini Biokovu. Biol. Glasn. 8:

Radić , J., 1977: Novi prilog poznavanju flore Bioko103-

va. Acta Bot. Croat. 36: 173-175.
Kušan , F., 1969: Biljni pokrov Biokova. Prir. Istraž. Radić , J., 1979: Doprinos fitogeografiji biokovskog
Jugosl. akad. 37, Acta Biol. 5. Zagreb. područja. Acta Bot. Croat. 38: 95-103.

K u š a n, F., Klapka, B., 1964: Ein sonderbarer TannenTri
naj stić, I., 1983: Termofilnc šume jele sa crnim
wald auf dem Biokovo in Dalmatien. Informa-grabom as. Ostryo-Abietetum (Fukarek) Trinajstiones
Botanicae 3: 20-28. tić, ass. nov. na planini Biokovu u Hrvatskoj. Po-

Mattfc Id, J., 1925: Die europäischen und mediterraljopr.
Šum. (Titograd) 29(2): 27-36.
nen Abies Arten. Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. Trina j stić , I., 1987: Sintaksonomski pregled biljnih
1925: 1-37. zajednica plaine Biokovo. Acta Biokovica 4:


Prpić, B., Seletković,Z. (eds.), 1992: Simpozij o
jeli. Šumarski fakultet. Zagreb. Vidaković,M. , 1993: Četinjače - morfologija i varijabilnost.
Drugo prošireno izdanje. Grafički za

Rac, M., Lovrić, A. Ž., 1992: Taxonomische

vod Hrvatske - Hrvatske šume. Zagreb.

Variacionsabrisse der Tannensippen Westbalkans
und neue Natursorten der endemischen Abies Vi si an i, R., 1826: Stirpium Dalmaticarum Speci

pardei mit ihren Hybriden. U B. Prpić und Z. men. Patavii.
Seletković (eds.): 6. IUFRO -Tannensymposium: Vi s i an i, R., 1852: Flora Dalmatica 3. Lipsiae.

SUMMARY: The allegations in the literature that in the territory of the Republic
of Croatia, within or on the border of the natural distribution of the silver
fir (Abies alba), another two "species " - A. pardei and "A. biokovoensis "
would be developed, that in one case would be a synonymity: A. biokovoensis
= A. pardei (cf Borzan & al. 1992) and in the other A. pardei = A. biokovoensis
(cf. Rac et Lovrić 1992), should be considered as absolutely incorrect and
nomenclaturally illegitim.

The species A. pardei was described by Gaussen (1928) on the basis of specimen
from the culture in the Arboretum Le Barres in France, cultivated from
the seeds originating most likely from Algeria within the distribution of the
species A. numidica. Based on the original description according to which significant
for this species are vertical cone bract scales and acute needles (Fig.
2), it can be clearly seen that it has nothing to do with any fir population in

´A. biokovoensis " should, according to the said authors (Borzan & al.
1992) be a separate species "the Biokovo fir", but this cannot be determinated
by any of usual methods. It does not differt by a single feature from the silver
fir, and, therefore, it should be considered as the species A. alba, as reported
by all authors who dealt with this issue, even the authors Kušan (1969) and

J. Radić (1976) to whom the establishment of the name "A. biokovoensis (Kušan)
Radić" is atributed. Whether on Biokovo a special ecotype of the silver
fir is involved to be found out by objective investigations using adequate scientific
The fir on Biokovo builds two forest associations (cf. Trinaj stić 1983,
1987), one rather thermophil with the hop hornbeam (As. Ostryo-Abietetum
(Fukarek) Trinajstić) and the other rather mesophil (As. Rhamno-Abietetum