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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1998 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

J. Rosa: UTJECAJ FOSFOGIPSA IZ INDUSTRIJSKOG ODLAGALIŠTA NA HRAST LUŽNJAK (Querem rohur) Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXII (1998), 491-506
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application of citogenetic and biochemical ana-

SUMMARY: Decline and decay of pedunculate oak forests (Quercus robur
L.) becomes a more and more important problem of forestry in Croatia. Decay
of forests is obvious near industrial formations and their dumps. The effect of
phosphogypsum and waste waters of fertiliser factories in Kutina on pedunculate
oak forests which are located near these factories is examined in this elaboration.

The chemical analysis of the water from the dumps has proved the presence
of heavy metals (AI, Cd and others), as well as a remarkable low pH value of
1,2-2,6. The pedunculate oak growing in the surrounding of the dump showed
60-70% of the crown damage and therefore belongs to the category of highly
damaged trees.

As a first step in our investigation we applied a short-term cytotoxicity-test.
Root-tip meristematic cells were treated by different dilution rates (from 0,5%
to 10%>) of phosphogypsum from the dump. Roots were excised from the
sprouts germinated in laboratory from the acorns gathered in the tree seed

Mitotic activity decreased with an increase of concentration, except for the
concentration of 2,5% where the opposite effect was noticed. All concentrations
caused the same cytotoxic effect e. i. mitotic aberrations such as c-mitosis
and lagging chromosomes appeared as a result of the spindle disturbances.
The most frequent were subchromatide aberrations such as sticking of the

There was no significant change of the mitotic activity after a 24-hour recovery
for any of the concentrations. Mitotic activity remained low and even
higher rate of the subchromatide aberrations were noticed.

Allium-test was applied as a control test of the cyto- and genotoxicity of the
phosphogypsum from the dumps. Bulbs of the onion Allium ascalonicum were
germinated in the tap water and treated subsequently with the same dilutions
of phosphogypsum that were used in cytotoxicity test with roots of pedunculate
oak. As a negative control we used onions germinated in tap water while
onions treated with maleichydrazide served as a positive control.

Allium-test confirmed cyto- and genotoxicity of phospogypsum from the
dumps. Important inhibition of the roots´ growth after a five-days-treatment