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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1998 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

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SUMMARY: The basis of the primary plant cover of Republic Croatia is
made up of the forest vegetation which in terms oftheplantgeography belongs
to two large forest regions - Mediterranean vegetational region and the Eurosiberian-
Northamerican forest region and to its European subregion. The
boundary between the said regions passes over the coastal slope of the Dinaric
Alps and is on the contact between the thermophilous oak and beech forests.

Due to the developed orography, the forest vegetation is differentiated into
vertical vegetational belts and horizontal vegetational zones. The Mediterranean
region is divided into the Mediterranean-littoral and Mediterranean-
montane vegetational belts. The Eurosiberian-Northamerican region and within
it the European subregion is divided into the European-planar, Europeancollin,
European-montane, European-altimontane, European-alpine and European-
adalpine vegetational belts. As a rule, for each vegetational belt one
particular woody species is characteristic as its basic forest vegetation edificator
(Pinus halepensis, Quercus ilex, Q. pubescen, Q. virgiliana, Q. robur, Q.
petraea, Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba, Picea abies, Pinus mugo). Depending
upon the lithological stratum, within every such unit the carbonate and silicate
series can be distinguished. The forest vegetation of the carbonate series
shows more or less endemic Adriatic or Illyrian character and that of the silicate
series the central European boreal character. For each series within one
vegetational belt or zone there is usually one characteristical and according to
its distribution dominating forest association.