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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1998 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

K. Pintarić: PERSPEKTIVE SUMA HRASTA KITNJAKA U BOSNI Šumarski list br. 9 10, CXXII (1998). 399-406

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SUMMA R Y: Sessile oak accounts for about 8.6% of all high forests in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. In the northern region, inhabited by the most productive
forests of this tree species, the participation of sessile oak is considerably higher,
and reaches 20.3% in area between the rivers Bosna and Drina in Bosnian
Posavina. Apart from single tree fellings ("selection felling"), no other
tending measures have been applied to these forests. In one of the pure, even-
aged stands of 80-90 years of age, an experimental plot was set up, where selective
thinning was applied (high thinning-positive selection). The aim was to
observe the effects of thinning on the quantity and quality of wood mass production,
and to determine the prospects and justification of thinning procedures
in these forest. After the first thinning treatment, the quality of "candidate
" trees in the main stand, particulary of those evenly distributed, was improved.
The 160-year production period envisages the application of further
5-6 thinning treatments. At the end of the production period, about 380 m´ of
stemwood, of which veneer and sliced veneer account for 25%, should be obtained,
while the planned thinning treatments should yield about 340 m´ of
wood mass of satisfactory quality.

Key words: sessile oak, thinning, increment and quality