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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1998 str. 30 <-- 30 --> PDF |
M. Saniga: STRUKTURA I REGENERACIJSKl PROCESI IZABRANIH TIPOVA PREBORNIH SUMA... Šumarski list br. 5-6. CXX1I (W9S), 221-233 Struktura prirodne obnove preborne sastojine s dominantnom proizvodnom funkcijom (oblast Oravskih Beskyda) The structure of natural regeneration in selection forest stand (631) with dominant production function (The Oravske Beskydy region) Kategorija category Ponik 1 god. young growth 1 year 2 god. - 2 years 3 god. -3 years 4 god. - 4 years 5 god. -5 years 21 -50 cm 51-80 cm 81-130 cm 131 + cm a d 1,3 do 2 cm Svega - all % di 3 od 2 cm do 7 cm Tablica 8 Table 8 Vrsta drveta (kom/ha) wood species (piece/ha) smreka jela jarebika svega % spruce fir beech all % 6728 143 0 6871 16 15514 300 86 15900 36 4257 400 57 4714 11 2743 257 43 3043 7 4571 343 43 4957 11 4143 371 1414 5928 13 843 214 971 2028 5 243 29 271 543 1 114 29 71 214 0 39156 2086 2727 43969 100 88 5 7 100 380 94 19 493 Pokrovnost krošanja stabala i korištenje raspoloživog prostora preborne sastojine s pretežitom proizvodnom funkcijom (Oravske Beskydy) Tree crown cover (canopy) and use of available space in selection stands with dominant production function (Oravske Beskydy) 1. sloj - 1st layer 2. sloj - 2nd layer 3. sloj - 3rd layer Svega - all 1. sloj - 1st layer 2. sloj - 2nd layer 3. sloj - 3rd layer Svega - all Tablica 9 - Table 9 Pokrovnost krošanja stabala tree crown cover (canopy) (m2) % sloj - layer/600 m2 45.07 0.64 35.21 0.50 19.72 0.28 100.00 1.42 Korištenje raspoloživog prostora use of available space (m3) % sloj-layer/21000m3 59.09 0.13 27.27 0.06 13.64 0.03 100.00 0.22 |