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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1998 str. 18 <-- 18 --> PDF |
S. Orlić: MEĐUNARODNI l´OKUS PROVENIJENCIJA S1TKANSKE SMREKE {Picea sitehensis (Bong.) Carr. ) Šumarski list br. 5-6, CXX11 (1998), 213-221) The results of the last measuring show that those from the Federal State of Washington (prov. 3003, 3005 and 3006) were among the best provenances, approximately 47 degrees of northern latitude and from lower heights above sea level. The provenances from British Columbia (prov. 3060 and 3064 and South Oregon (prov. 3016) showed the worst results, i.e. from the northernmost and southernmost regions of natural range. With regard to stem quality and branching characteristics (straightness, sweep, branching characteristics, vitality) none of the provenances were entirely satisfactory. On the basis of the results of the last measuring extensive introduction of Sitka Spruce into the forests of north-west Croatia is not recommended. Samo za one koji su "zaboravili"! PRETPLATA ZA ŠUMARSKI LIST U 1998. GODINI iznosi: - za zaposlene članove 120 kn - za studente, đake i umirovljenike 30 kn - za poduzeća 500 kn + PDV Adresa: HRVATSKO ŠUMARSKO DRUŠTVO, Zagreb, Trg Mažuranića 11 Žiro račun br.: 30102-678-6249 PRETPLATA ZA INOZEMSTVO 95 $ DEVIZNI ŽIRO RAČUN br.: 25731-3206475 HRVATSKO ŠUMARSKO DRUŠTVO Zagreb ZAGREBAČKA BANKA Zagreb (Telex ŽABA 21-211 Swift ŽABA HR XX) Uredništvo |