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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1997 str. 89     <-- 89 -->        PDF

odluke koje uključuju napretke u umjetnoj inteligenciji i
ekspertnim sustavima postat će prominentni u gospodarenju
požara s produktima iz CFFDRS-a koji su sastavni
dio svakog novog sustava temeljenog na znanju.

Sigurno je da će se - Kanadski državni sustav ocjenjivanja
požarne opasnosti razvijati tako da će održa


AI exander, M.E., Stocks, B.J., andLawson,B.

D. (1996): The Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating
System, Initial Attack magazine, published
by Bombardier Inc., Canadair.
Flanningan, M. D., and Harrington, J. B.
(1987): A study of the relationship of meteorological
variables to monthly provincial area burned
by wildfire in Canada 1953-80, Ninth Conference
on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Conference
Papers, April 21-24, 1987, San Diego,

Lawson, B., Armitage, B., Dalrymple, G.
(March 1996): Wildfire Ignition Probability Predictor
(WIPP), R&D Update, Canadian Forest
Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, B. C.

Lawson, B. D., and Dalrymple, G. N. (October
1996): Probabilities of Sustained Ignition in
Lodgepole Pine, Interior Douglasfir, and White
Spruce-Subalpine Fir Forest Types, Can. For.
Serv., Nat. Res. Canada, Victoria, B. C , FRDA
Handbook 012.

B. D., Armitage, O. B., and Dalrymple,
G. N. (1994a): Ignition probabilities
for stimulated people-caused fires in B.C.´s lodgepole
pine and white spruce-subalpine fir forests.
In Proc. 12th Conf. on Fire and Forest Meteorology,
Oct. 26-29, 1993, Jekull Is., Ga., Soc.
Am. Foresters, Bethesda, Md. SAF Publ. 94-02.

vati potrebe agencija požarnog gospodarenja. Rezultat
će biti poboljšanje koje će se moći pokazati u učinkovitosti
gospodarenja šumskim požarima u Kanadi.

- References
1994b. Ignition probabilities for lodgepole pine and
spruce-subalpine fir forests. Can. For. Serv. and

B. C. Min. of For., Victoria, B. C. FRDA Poster
(with text).
Lawson, B. D., Armitage, O. B., and Hoskins,

W. D. (1996): Diurnal variation in the Fine Fuel
Moisture Code: tables and computer source
code. Can. For. Serv. and B. C. Min. For., Victoria,
B. C. FRDA Rep. No. 245, 20 p.
Taylor, S. W., Pike, R. G., and A lex ander, M. E.
(1996): Field guide to the Canadian Forest Fire
Behavior Prediction (FBP) System, Can. For.
Serv. and B. C. Min. For., Victoria, B. C. FRDA
Handbook No. 012.

Van Wagner , C. E. at all (1992): Development and
Structure of the Canadian Forest fire Behavior
prediction System, Information Report ST-X-3,
Forestry, Canada, Ottawa.

Van Wagner , C. E. (1987): Forest Fire Research -
Hinsight and Foresight, Presented at the Symposium
on Wildland Fire 2000, April 27-30, 1987,
South Lake Tahoe, CA.

VanWagner,C. E. (1972): A table of duirnal variation
in the Fine Fuel Moisture Code. Environ Can.,
Can. For. Serv., Petawa For. Exp. Stn., Chalk
River, Ont. Inf. Rep. PS-X-38. 8 p.

Van Wagner ,
C. E. (1977): A method of computing
fine fuel moisture content throughout the diurnal
cycle. Can. For. Serv., Petawa For. Exp. Sta.,
Chalk R., Ont. Inf. Rep. PS-X-69.

SUMMARY: This contribution briefly presents the development of the
Canadian system of rating forest fire danger (CFFDRS) from 1925 to the present.
Our intention is to present the achievements of Canada´s forest experts in
assessing forest fire dangers, which may be of assistance to firefighters in the
prevention and extinction of forest fires.

Beside Canada, some other countries, including Croatia, have adopted the
models and research philosophy of the Canadian method as a basis for the assessment
of fire danger.