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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1997 str. 76     <-- 76 -->        PDF


Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXI (1997), 405-4 14

Meštrović, Š., 1987.: Uređivanje šuma s posebnom
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Br.-Bl.), Glasnik za šumske pokuse br. 26, str.
425.-432., Zagreb.

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uređivanje šuma, str. 1 .-416., Zagreb.

Pranj ić, A., N. Lukić, 1990.: Oblični broj i dvoula-
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Glasnik za šumske pokuse posebno izdanje br. 2,
str. 169.-177., Zagreb.

Spiranec, M., 1975.: Drvno-gromadne tablice, Radovi
br. 22, Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko.

Trinajstić, I., 1986.: Fitocenološko raščlanjenje
šumske vegetacije istočnojadranskog sredozemnog
područja - polazna osnovica u organizaciji
gospodarenja mediteranskim šumama, Glasnik
za šumske pokuse posebno izdanje br. 2, str. 53.-
67., Zagreb.

SUMMARY: According to the processed data collected on the test plots, I
have presented the initial status of 1993., against which further changes in the
development phases of the Brijuni evergreen oak forests will be observed.

I carried out the measurments on test plots 1-12 during three successive
years, 1994. Through 1996., and obtained the following information:

the number of adult plants, i.e. those over 4 cm breast-height diameter,
has remained unchanged;

the number of new growth has drastically dropped: the total number of
all species on all 12 plots had been 2931, and it fell to 86 (evergreen oak 34,
fell to 3); in 1995. there were only 8 small trees, and in 1996. none at all.

The main reason for the negative tendency in natural regeneration of the
stands is the damage caused by the game that prevents the new growth from
developing into young trees.

In the course of the following period, all changes should be monitored and
compared with the initial, in order to find solutions in terms of preventing the
negative trends in the form of vegetation in the Brijuni evergreen oak forests.