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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1997 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

K. Pintarić: ANALIZA STRUKTURE I KVALITETE PRIRODNOG MLADIKA CRNOG BORA Šumarski list br. 5-6, CXXI ( 1997), 215-224
5. The diameter increment is increasing with the higher intensity of light;
the average width of the annual ring at full light is six times bigger than in
deep shade.
6. Young trees of the approximately same height differ in age considerably.
In the deepest shade, the average height was 22.4 years (Degree A), while at
full light (Degrees E, F and G) it was 7 -9 years. This proves that the natural
young growth comes from several seed years.
7. With higher light intensity, the number of trees becomes bigger, though
not significantly, i.e. there are other factors.
Other parameters also show the role of shade.
The conclusion is that the natural young growth of the Black Pine does not
come from a single seed year, but from as many as 10 years. The age difference
of the young trees is bigger in case of higher shade, than with the young trees
that have grown in full light (five years).