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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1997 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

S. Bertović, M. Generalović, J. Karavla, J. Martinovic: PRIRODA I PARKOVNI OBJEKT] U OPĆINI RIJEKA Šumarski list br. 3-4, CXXI( 1997), 133-160
Kriissmann, G. (1972): Handbuch der Nadelge- Sila, Z. (1952): Vrtno-arhitektonska i floristička
holze, I—III, Berlin, 366 pp. obrada gradskih parkova - Parkovno nasljeđe Ri;´
eke, S/ 43l52´

Krü s sm a nn,G. (1976): Handbuch der Laubgehölze, ....Iblf; ^H^?A ´ r ,
I-III Berlin 1448 pp V i d a k o v i c, M. ( 1982): Četinjače, morfologija i vanvv´
jabilnost. JAZU - Liber, Zagreb, 655 pp.
M atejč i Ć,R. (1990): Kako čitati grad. Rijeka, 495 pp. Welch , H. J. (1979): Manual of Dwarf Conifers,
Rehder , A. (1951): Manual of Cultivated Trees and USA, 493 pp.
Shrubs. The Macmillan Company, New York, Zander , R. (1993): Handwörterbuch der Pflanzenna996
pp. men, 14 Afl, Stuttgart, 810 pp.

Summary: A group of authors (Rijeka 1993) made a study that remained unpublished.
Its contents, twenty authors and a preceding publication of the Rijeka
nature and park distinctive features (Generalović) are presented.

In terms of relief and karst formation, the Kvarner sector is the most distinguished
and dynamic in all Croatian Littoral region. In the structure of the karst
relief, the prevailing are Paleocene and Mesozoic carbonate rocks with paleocene
fliss, paleozoic clastic layers and Quartär sediments in places. Submountainous,
mountainous, hill and lowland orographic belts are the components of the relief.
In the maritime climate of the whole greater Rijeka area, eight bioclimates are distinguished:
subalpine, montane, submediterranean, hilly Mediterranean, and
lowland. The Rijeka environment has been described according to the climatic
classifications of Koppen, Thornthwaite and Walter. Enclosed are the maps of
highland zones, orographic belts and analogue bioclimates, the tables of climatic
figures and diagrams after Gaussen and Walter (Bertović).

The interdependence of the lithological structure and soil types is described.
According to the yet unpublished map, thirty-six pedocartographic units have
been established in the Rijeka surroundings. There is a table-form statistic review
of the main soil types and their properties (Martinovic).

In the description of the vegetation cover, there are all climax phytocenoses,
and the most distinguished locally conditionedparaclimax phytocoenoses on the
cross-section of the submountainous peaks down to the coastline. Enclosed is a
forest vegetation map of nature areas. Five sites of endemic flora and vegetation
are suggested for a special legal protection as nature reserves. Further seven locations
are suggested to serve for the follow-up bioecological research (Bertović).

In the most detailed part of the study - the description of the decorative tree flora
in Rijeka parks - sixty-six park areas have been studied: city parks, school
parks, churchyards, hospital areas, kindergartens, sports grounds, camping sites
and others. According to the dendrological inventory, the vegetation in these areas
is composed of 75 conifer taxons, 228 broadleaved taxons and 35 perennials.
Table titled "List of trees and perennial plants in the Rijeka and neighboring
parks" marks the occurrence of the individual plant species in parks (1-66) and
their numerical frequency (1-5; 5-10 and over 10 specimens). The oldest conifers
are the Himalaya cedars (Cedrus deodara) in the Vladimir Nazor park; the pyramidal
cypresses (Cupressus sempervirens var. sempervirens); Atlas cedar (Cedrus
atlantica) and Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani) in the Mlaka park. In the Kozala
cemetery area there are old Himalaya ceders, 23 m high, 60 cm in diameter, a
Lebanon cedar 27 m high, 28 cm in diameter. In the Trsat churchyard, a Chinese
arbor vitae (Thuja orientalis) reaches the height of 17 m, 35 m diameter. Of the
broadleaves, the oldest are the wild chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum) in the
Mlaka park and the maple-leaved plane (Platanus x hispanica) 17 m x 65 cm. In
the Kozala cemetery there is a 18m high, 38 cm in diameter Japanese sophora
(Sophora japonica). A 13 m high and 75 cm in diameter bitter oak (Quercus cerris)
grows on the Trsat churchyard beside a 14 m high and 170 in diameter pubescent
oak (Quercus virgiliana). The following have been recommended for a special
legal protection: August Cesarec Park; Mlaka Park, Vladimir Nazor Park;
the Old Park

Of "Katica Mitel Katinka"; Vidov Park, Trsat Park, Kozala cemetery park and
the Trsat churchyard. The multitude of decorative taxons in the Rijeka park areas
with the improvement of the ornamental horticulture nursery activities in all
Croatian Littoral can be maintained only if this vegetation is respected, protected
and regularly improved (Karavla).