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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1996 str. 115     <-- 115 -->        PDF

V. Goglia, R. Beljo: BOĆNA STABILNOST LISTA 1 SNAGE VLASTITIH OTPORA TRAČNE PILE . Šumarski list br. 3—4, CXX (1996), 195—201
ZAKLJUČAK - Conclusions

Ispitivanja bočne stabilnosti lista tračne pile u praznom
hodu pokazala su da se i uz znatno niže vrijednosti
sile zatezanja u odnosu na preporučene mogu dobiti
zadovoljavajuće male amplitude bočnog pomaka.
To pogotovo vrijedi pri višim vrijednostima brzine gibanja
lista (v > 20 m/s).

Izborom optimalne vrijednosti zatezne sile mogu se
znatno smanjiti gubici uslijed vlastitih otpora stroja. Preporučuje
se provjera stvarne zategnutosti lista pile, bu

dući da je metoda određivanja zatezne sile vrlo jednostavna.
Pored toga, pokazalo se i to da uređaji kojima
je stroj opremljen radi ispravnog prednamještanja zatezne
sile u ovisnosti o širini lista, u nekim slučajevima
ne pokazuju prave vrijednosti.

Sve dobivene rezultate trebalo bi provjeriti u efektivnom
radu stroja tj. tijekom piljenja. Utjecaj sastavnica
sile rezanja u pojedinim smjerovima mogao bi znatno
izmijeniti sliku odnosa između ispitivanih veličina.

LITERATURA - References

Bre ž njak , M., Moen , K., 1972: On the lateral movement of Mikolašik , L. 1981: Drevarske stroje a zariadenia, 1. zvazok,

the handsaw blade under various sawing conditions, Norsk SNTL - Statni nakladatelstvi techicke literatury, Praha.

Treteknisk Institutt, Rep. No. 46.

Prok e š , S. 1982: Obrabeni dreva a novych hmot ze dreva, SN

Goglia , V., 1994: Strojevi i alati za obradu drva, I dio, Zagreb.

TL - Statni nakladatelstvi techicke literatury, Praha.

Goglia , V., Beljo , R. 1995: Utjecaj zatezne sile lista stolar

ske tračne pile na snagu praznoga hoda, Drvna industrija U1 s o y , A.G, Mote, C.D.Jr. and S z y m a n i, 1978: Principal

46, br. 1, str. 3-8. Developments in Band Saw Vibration and Stability ReseGolja
, V., K r a n j č e c , V., 1988a: Utjecaj sile prednapinjanja arch, Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 36, str. 273-280.

na lateralnu stabilnost lista tračne pile, Drvna industrija 39,

W i 11 i s t o n , M. 1978: Saws, Design, Selection, Operation, Ma

br. 9-10, str. 223-226.

intenance, Miller Freeman publications, San Francisco.

Golja , V., Kranjčec , V. 1988b: Mjerenje stabilnosti alata na
tračnoj pili, Savjetovanje JUKEM, Split, str. 1-6. Wu, W.Z., Mote, CD. Jr., 1984: Analysis of vibration in a hanGrube
, A. E. 1971: Derevorežušćie instrumenty, Izdateljstvo Le-dsaw system, Forest Product Journal, Vol. 34, No. 9, str.
snaja promyslenost, Moskva. 12-21.

SUMMARY: In attempting to improve the band saw efficiency there is always
the problem of the lateral movement of the band saw blade and of the
losses due to the machine´s own resistances. The lateral movement of the band
saw blade reduces both the quality of the saw surfaces, and the material yield.
At the same time it requires higher energy standards. The energy losses
occuring in the machine during transmission movement also increase the specific
energy standards. The lateral movement of the band saw blade and the
machine´s own resistances are significantly influenced by the strain force of
the blade. Both, the references and the band saw producers, list a rather wide
range of strain force values.

In order to determine the optimum strain force value for the given machine-
tool system, a very comprehensive research work was done at the Faculty
of Forestry, University of Zagreb. The strain force and the rotation frequency
of the driving wheel were chosen as independent variables. The approximative
value of the strain force was determined by the horizontal force and the
lateral displacement of the blade. The rotation frequency of the driving wheel
was varied by frequency transformer. The lateral displacement value of the
band saw blade was measured by inductive transducer. The machine´s own
resistances power was measured by electric measuring instruments.

The research will contribute to the more objective determination of the strain
force of the band saw blade, which is one of the most important parameters
of the band saw efficiency.

Key words: band saw efficiency, blade lateral movement, machine´s
own resistance power, strain force