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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1995 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF


Bezak. K., Cestar, D., Hren, V., Kovačević, Z., Martino-Rauš, D., Matič, S., 1990: Vegetacijska i uzgojna istraživanja u GJ
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SUMMARY: The appearance of natural germinated seeds is the basis for
preservation of heredity, natural heterogeneity and stability of broadleaved
forests of poplar and willow in a flooded area. The emerging of germs from
seeds is a specific natural phenomenon connected with the formation of river
deposits along the banks or at the eyots formed on the riverbeds. Germination
is conditioned by the height of the water level, climatic conditions at the
time of spontaneous seed dissemination and by the duration of its germinative
capacity. Survival of the germinated seed and consequent growth of the
young stands, in particular during the first years of growth, depends to a
large degree on the water regime. This sequence of events, including the
consequent development of full-grown high spermatophytic trees, represents
the progressive developmental course in the forest vegetation of this region.

Because of the meandering of rivers and riverbed shifting full-grown stands
are often "removed" from the watercourse. Due to the deposititon of the flood
material the ground level is consederably higher than it was during formation
of the stand. After the felling of forest decline (windfalls, calamities) of
these stands a new generation is created primarily from the stumps and roots,
to a lesser extent individually, or in groups, by the spontaneous seed dissemination
of other species. This is the begining of the regression of
spermatophytic poplars and willows, which further develops towards degradation
or succession to other vegetational forms.

Key words: germinated seed, hereditary basis, deciduous forests of poplar
and willow, seed, spermatophytes, vegetation, progression, degradation,