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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3/1995 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

Knežević , I., D. Pičman&H . Jakov a c, (1991): Utjecaj N i k o 1 i ć, S., (1972): Teorijska osnova ustanovljavanja optimalne
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SUMMARY: The main problem studied in this paper was the accuracy of
determination of forest area centres by the application of known methods and
by means of a personal computer. Determination of medium dragging distances
represents one of the facotrs neeed to determine, as accurately as
possible, the working cost for building a network of drag roads. In other
words the accessibility of forests should be based on a correct regional
design and planned network of forest drag roads with optimal density. In fact,
by reducing to a minimum level the costs of dragging and transport, drag
road construction and their maintenance, it is possible to reach an optimal
solution for the problem of road accessibility. This paper describes one of the
possible ways of determining the medium distances from the central dragging
point by the application of a personal computer. The aim of the study was, for
the realized orographic, hidrographic, stand characteristics and other properties
of a particular forest land, to process one existing compartment (Compartment
64 of the Managemental Unit »Južna Garjevica«). Digital models
of terrain were worked out on the terrain were worked out. On the basis of
existing forest-managment and topogaphic maps. By meansof this digital
modelof maps. By meansof this digital model of terrain the forest area was
shown in 3-D, namely 2-D, projection and included the projected network of
the tractor skidding roads of different longitudinal inclination. Projected
variants of the skidding road: 12.5 -15.0 - 17.5 and 20.0% take up 3.32 3.67%
of the productive forest land area. The medium dragging distance,
according to the Basis of Management, should be 350 m, while with this
investigation we arrived at a value of 299.56 m as the most suitable, that is
optimal variant of 17.5%. The density of skidding roads ranged between

94.98 up to 104.81 m/ha, and the optimal one was selected maesuring 100.91
m/ha. With the application of a personal computer it is possible to fullz
simultate existing conditions in the field, reaching a high degree of accuracz,
and in this way, during the data processing, existing situation in reality. The
accuracy of work is unquestionable and consequently it can be concluded that
further elaboration and usage of personal computers in the aformentioned
field should be continued. Furthermore, it is expected that in the process of
further practical application new simple, and even more accurate methods
than these presented in this paper, will be realized.