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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1994 str. 45 <-- 45 --> PDF |
Uspjeh pošumljavanja po metodama rada za crni (Pinus nigra Arn.) i primorski bor (P. pinaster Ait.) Succes of afforestation after the methods for Black pine (Pinus nigra Arm J and Maritime pine (P. pinaster Ait J Tablica 1. Metoda rada Work method Pošumljavanje pod kramp (zasjek) Afforestation by planting under pickaxe (cut-in planting) Pošumljavanje u izbušene jame bušilicom STIHL 08 Afforestation by planting into holes drilled by STIHL 08 Pošumljavanje na podrivanom tlu riperom Afforestation by planting on soil undermined mined by ripper Vrsta Species Pinus nigra Am. Pinus pinaster Ait. Pinus nigra Arn. Pinus pinaster Ait. Pinus nigra Arn. Pinus pinaster Ait. Sadeno Planted 527 526 515 527 528 527 Broj preživjelih biljaka nakon prvog i drugog i regetacijskog perioda Survival of plants after first and second vegetation period opstalo uginulo uspjeh opstalo ijginulo uspjeh survived died success survived died success % % 457 70 87 308 219 62 465 61 88 397 129 75 423 92 82 208 307 40 423 104 80 265 262 50 485 43 92 469 59 89 482 45 91 427 100 90 SI. — Fig. 5. Podrivanje kraškog tla riperom na području OOUR Šumarije Šibenik, Šumski predjel Lozovac-Gulini (Studentska terenska nastava, travanj 1985. god.) Undermining of karst soil by rippers in the Šibenik forest management, the Lozovac-Gulini forest area (Students´ practical studies, April 1985) |