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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1994 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

i naličju lista, ima klon Populus deltoides ssp. angulata. klonova topola u uvjetima rasadnika. Isto tako trebalo

Imajući u vidu vrlo izražene genotipske razlike mebi
utvrditi akumulaciju hraniva u lišću kod najinteređu
istraživanim klonovima topola u uvjetima rasadnisantnijih
klonova topola adultnog stadija, koji se uzgaka,
u njihovim zahtjevima za hranivima i vodom, smajaju
na različitim tipovima tala na području Republike
tramo, da će odabir povoljne smjese klonova u odnosu Hrvatske.
na dano stanište, imati velik utjecaj na uspijevanje

Pozornost zaslužuje i istraživanje koncentracijatopolovih kultura.

sadržaj hraniva u korovnoj vegetaciji, budući je ona
Ova istraživanja treba proširiti na utvrđivanje akukonkurent
topolama ne samo za vodom već i hranivimuliranih
hraniva, u ukupnoj biomasi kod različitih ma.


Frison, G., 1979.: Ricerche sulla nutrizione minerale del Krstinić, A. & N. Komlenović, 1986: The influence of
pioppo per mezzo della diagnostica foliare. Cellulosa Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.) on the growth
e Carta, 12: 5-32, Roma. of some White Willow (Salix alba L.) clones. 18

IUFRO Congress, Ljubljana. Divisoin 2, Vol. II:

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del pioppo nella Valle Padana. Mantova, 148: 41-58,
Mantova. Krstinić, A., N. Komlenović & M. Vidaković 1989:
Hansen, E. A. & J. B. Baker, 1979: Biomass and nutrient Selection of White Willow Clones (Salix alba L.)

removal in short rotation intensively cultured plantasuitable
for grawing in mixed plantations with Black
tions. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Impact Alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.). Anali za šumarstvo
of Intensive Harvesting on Forest Nutrient Cycling. 15/2: 17-36.

13—16 August 1979, State University of New York,

Krstinić, A. & D. Kajba, 1994: Kolekcija klonova čistih

College of Environment Science and Forestry, Syra

vrsta i hibrida topola iz Sekcije Aigeiros u Republici

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Hrvatskoj — značaj za oplemenjivanje i uzgoj. Šumar

Komlenović, N. & A. Krstinić, 1969: Visinski rast i ski list 1-2: 33-37.
sadržaj mineralnih hraniva u lišću unutarvrsnih i med
uvrsnih hibrida bijele i krhke vrbe. Šumarski list, Simon, M., L. Zsuffa & D. Burgess, 1990: Variation
7-8: 229-241. in N, P, and K status and N efficency in some North

America willows. Can. J. For. Res. 20: 1888-1893.

Komlenović, N. & A. Krstinić, 1982: Genotipske razlike
između nekih klonova stablastih vrba s obzirom Trinajstić, I., N. Komlenović, A. Krstinić & D.
na stanje ishrane. Topola XXVI, 133-134: 29-40. Kajba, 1991: Dinamika i značaj korovne vegetacije

Komlenović, N. & A. Krstinić, 1987: Međupopulacij-u kulturama bijele vrbe (Salix alba L.) i crne johe
ska i unutarpopulacijska varijabilnost crne johe (Al(
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) na tresetno-glejnim
nus glutinosa Gaertn.) s obzirom na stanje ishrane. tlima Posavine. Fragmenta herbologica, Vol. 20, Br.
Šumarski list, 10-12: 577-587. 1-2: 35:-43.

SUMMARY .Genotype differences have been investigated in six poplar
clones (Populus nigra, Populus x euroamericana 1-214, Populus deltoides
618, Populus deltoides 457, Populus balsamifera, and Populus deltoides ssp.
angulata) in nursery conditions, as to the number and size of the stomata,
and the concentration and accumulation of nutrients in the leaves. Analyses
have been made for the following nutritious elements: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S,
Fe, Mn, and Zn.

Among the mentioned clones, genotype differences have been established
as to the number and size of the stomata, and the concentrations and accumulation
of nutrients in the leaves.

The clones of the Populus deltoides 618 and Populus deltoides 457 generally
have very high concentrations of nutrients in their leaves, while, owing
to particularly large leaves, Populus deltoides 618 gathers the greatest amounts
of the already analyzed nurients in a certain number of leaves. Populus
deltoides 456 is characterized by particularly high concentrations of sulphur
in its leaves. The greatest number of the stomata, both on the face and back
of the leaf, is found in the clone Populus deltoides ssp. angulata. We found
also statistical differences in respect to size of the stomata on the face and
leaf back. The greatest length of the stomata have 1-214 and P. balsamifera