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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1994 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

4. ZAKLJUČAK - Conclusion
1. Najbolji rezultati u pogledu uspijevanja provenimorskih
visina, do 300 m. Provenijencija iz Bugarske,
jencija zelene duglazije su polučeni u Istočnoj Slavoniji Šipka, također je među najboljima. Naše domaće prona
lokalitetu Durgutovca, zatim u Istri na lokalitetu venijencije »Buzet« i »Delnice« pokazale su prosječne
Kontija. Slabiji rezultati registrirani su u okolici Bjelorezultate,
odnosno nešto slabije od prosjeka.
vara na lokalitetu Slatki potok, a osobito slabi u okolici
Karlovca na vrištinama, lokalitet Lokve.
3. Općenito, što se tiče uspijevanja zelene duglazije
2. Među najboljim provenijencijama iz SAD za u Hrvatskoj ona pokazuje intenzivan rast na šumskim
područje Hrvatske pokazale su se one iz savezne staništima (Durgutovica, Kontija). Slabije rezultate podržave
Washington i britanske Kolumbije s nižih nad-kazuje na vanšumskim površinama.

Dokuš, A., (1975.): Izbor novih vrsta i provenijencija 4. Mayer, B., (1970.): Pilot objekti: Durgutovica, Slatki
alohtonih četinjača, Jastrebarsko, Dokumentacija šupotok,
Lokve, Kontija, Dokumentacija Šumarskog inmarskog
instituta, Jastrebarsko. stituta, Jastrebarsko.
Fletcher, A. M., Samuel, C.J.A., (1990.) Growth 5. Orlić, S., Ocvirek, M., (1990.): Međunarodni pokus
and Branching Characteristics in the IUFRO Origins provenijencija zelene duglazije (Pseudotsuga menzieof
Douglas Fir 16 Years after Planting in Britain, sii (Mirb.) Franco), RADOVI, Vol. 25 Br. 2.
Joint Meeting of Western Forest Genetics Associa6.
(1971.): Klimatski podaci Hrvatske, razdoblje 1948 tion,
IUFRO Working Parties, S. 2. o2 - 05, 06,


12 and 14., Olympia, Washington, USA.

7. (1965.): Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States,
Kleinschmit, J., (1978.): Douglas fir in Germany, ProAgriculture
Handbook No. 271, Forest Service, Wasceedings
of the IUFRO meeting, Vancuver. hungton, D.C.
SUMMARY: Research covers nineteen provenances of Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga
menziessi (Mirb.) Franco), namely, twelve provenances from the
United States, three provenences from British Columbia, one provenance from
Denmark, one provenance from Bulgaria, and two provenances from Croatia
(Table 1). No data was received about the geographic background of the
provenances Elk River Falls and Melville Black from British Columbia and
Castle Rock, Washington and Hvidkilde from Denmark.

In the Spring, 1966 sowing was carried aout in seedbeds and in the Spring,
1968 the plants were transplanted into Jiffy containers of 8 cm in size and
were left in the nersery for one more year. Experiments in the field were laid
out in the Spring, 1969 and 1970. In Croatia, eight field experiments were
laid out in different site conditions. This paper represents the results of four
experiments (Table 2, Fig. 2).

The experiments were established in a randomized block system with four
replications. The basic spacing between plants was 2 x 2 m, while the Douglas
Fir, due to the small number of plants, was spaced 4 x 4 m, with usually a
Spruce tree planted in between, and in the experiment Kontija Austrian Pine.

This paper presents the results of measurements taken in 1978, and the
latest from 1987; namely taken in the 13th and 22nd year of the total age of
the plants. Variance analysis, F test and Duncan test were used for statistical
processing of data.

On average the best growth registered in the experiment in eastern Slavonia
(D), followed by Istria (K), and considerably poorer near Bjelovar (SP) and
Karlovac (L). For conditions in Croatia the best provenances are from the
Federal State of Washington at approx. 46° of northern width and at up to
300 m above sea level. The domestic provenances »Buzet« (S) and Delnice

(P) are somewhat better, or poorer, respectfully, than the average for the