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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1993 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

ključivo tvrdilo, nego da je ona zapravo uzgojila što bolje šume, iako u
svoju korist odnosno korist svoga brodogradilišta. Ali opće funkcije šume
ostajale su na istarskom tlu. 0 brizi Venecije za održavanje šuma imamo
dokaze i u disertaciji D. Jeldowskog."

Ova dva prikazana dokumenta rada, Ressela osvjetljuju njegov udio
u hrvatskom šumarstvu. 0 cjelokupnom njegovom radu dostupna je knjiga

VI. Murka12 izdana prigodom obilježavanja 100-obljetndce Resselove smrti.
Međutim za cjelovitu ocjenu Ressela potrebna je podrobna analiza svih
njegovih radova, a na vidjelo treba iznijeti sve njegove inventivnosti, preciznosti
i predviđanja ne samo u šumarstvu nego i u narodnom gospodarstvu
Josip Ressel on Croatian Forestry


The celebration of the 200th anniversary of Josip Ressel´s birth served as an
occasion to review his surveys connected primarily wiath Istria, and also Croatian
forestry as a whole. They are as follows.

1. Repeated afforestation of council land in Istaria and
2. Historical review of the forestas kept by the czar´s and king´s Navy.
The first survey consists of an afforestation plan for the council´s grassland
and unfertile areas, conservation of coppice forests into seedling forests by planting
Oak acorn and to lesser extent by sewing Larch seed. For tahe sheltering
of young plants on the barren land he specified juniper sp. as a fore-culture, cultivated
also by sewing seed. The purpose of the future stands was primarily for
the cultivation of Oak trees with bent stem and indispensable timber assortments
for shipbulding. Ressel´s plan for afforestation covered 230,408 acres.

A large part of the survey is a critical reflection of the management of Motovunska
forest at the time and definition of guidelines for the provision of timber
assortments needed by the shipyards in Trieste and Venice.

In the conclusion the author of the article points out that Ressel in both surveys
observed forestry problems and offered solutions which are in agreement
with today´s understanding of ecology, taking into account the needs of the local
population and overall economy.

11 Jedlowski , D.: Venecija i šumarstvo Dalmacije od 15. do 18. vijeka.
Split, 1977., umnoženo kao rukopis. Nalazi se i u knjižnici Hrvatskog šumarskog

12 Murko , VI.: Josip Ressel, življenje in delo. Ljubljana 1957., str. 202.