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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1993 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF

In lowland woods, which represent the ecological basis in sense of coordination
of zooccnosys life, but also the bio-production of the most valuable timber
the changes appear by degradation and war destructions.

Many endemic and relict species were irreversibely destroyed and exterminated
by war destructions. It is especially significant how the ecocide destruction
of biocenosys and the incendiarism were applied directly in the incendiarism were
applied directly in the most wealthy biological centres of Croatia. Especially
destroyed are the places where until now and relict species lived (Konavli,
Biokovo, Velebit etc.).

Key words : Ecological war, ecocide, exterminated endemic species, Hun:
ting grounds, forest fires, forest animals.