prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1993 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF

potvrđuju i stavovi prema prirodi. Ispitanici imaju pozitivan odnos prema
razvoju tehnologija i znanosti na što ukazuju četiri tvrdnje koje pripadaju
rangu najviše prihvaćenih tvrdnji (Rang: 5, 7, 8, 11) Rješenje energetskih
problema ispitanici vide u još za sada futurističkoj viziji iskorišćivanja sunčeve
energije (Rang 12), a izražavaju antinuklearni stav (Rang 24). Ispitanici
smatraju da bi uloga struke u rješavanju zaštite šuma trebala biti znatno
veća (Rang (10), ali isto tako percepcije o ugledu struke pokazuju da pripadnost
šumarskoj struci nije izvor ugleda.


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logija 2 (1): 73—91.
Drucker , P. (1992.): Nova zbilja, Zagreb: Novi Liber.
C u 1 i g, B. (1992.): Ekološke orijentacije i informiranost o ekološkoj problematici,

Zagreb, Socijalna ekologija, 1 (1): str. 37—51.
Calclarović , O. (1991.): Struktura ekoloških stavova: Sociologijski aspekti ekoloških
spoznaja stanovništva. Zagreb, Sigurnost 33 (3—4), str.´ 151—158.
Rifkin , J. (1986.): Posustajanje budućnosti, Zagreb, Naprijed.

Socio Ecological Investigation of the Forestry Profession


This paper presents a sociological investigation of ecological problems within
the forestry profession. The investigation was carried out in December 1992 and
January 1993 on a sample of 265 subjects engaged in the forestry profession —
forestry engineers and technicians- within the Directorate of Forests of the Republic
of Croatia. The questionnaire comprised a scale for assessment of respondents´
attitudes towards nature preservation, the forest as a natural resource,
degree of pollution, development of economy and production, modern technology,
science and the role played by the forestry profession in the preservation of forests
and nature.

The results showed that with regard to pollution the subjects consider that
the problem effects our country in the same way as other countries (66.8%). In
their opinion the solution to the pollution problem is in an extensive social action
(79.6%), defining man as the only cause of pollution and responsible for this problem.
According to the scale of the most acceptable and the least acceptable statements,
the subjects consider that the concept of realistic development, i. e. the
balance between nature and development, is of prime importance. Furthermore, the
subjects think that the role of the profession in the protection of the forests
should be considerably greater.

Key words´: social ecology, pollution of nature, forestry profession, development,
new technology, preservation of nature.