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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1993 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

Šafar , J., 1948: Doznaka stabala u prebornim šumama. Šumarstvo I (3): 47—52.
Žuf a L., 1954: Kartoteka sastojina. Šumarstvo VII (5): 301—302.
Manual i doznak e u NPŠO gospodarskoj jedinici Belevine 1959—1989.
»Kontrolna knjiga« za NPŠO gosp. jed. Belevine (1947—1991).
Pravilni k o načinu izrade šumskogospodarskih osnova područja, osnova gospo

darenja gospodarskim jedinicama i programa za gospodarenje šumama. Narodne
novine br. 42/1985. Zagreb.
Pravilni k o dopuni Pravilnika o doznaci stabala, žigosanju drvnih sortimenata,
popratnici i šumskom redu. Narodne novine br. 36/1989. godine. Zagreb.
Uputstv a za doznaku stabala i određivanje prihoda u prebornim šumama. Beograd

Zako n o šumama . Narodne novine br. 52/1990. i na osnovu ovog Zakona donesene
izmjene i dopune PRAVILNIKA od 1985. Narodne novine br. 6/1991.

Uredb a o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o šumama. Narodne novine br. 14/1993.

Records of Fellings by Causes for Tree Marking (Records kept by the years of


Records of fellings can be performed in different ways, depending on the
assignment of the forest and the purpose for further application of data. Apart
from two analyses of record keeping of fellings in previous studies (according
to the number of trees and volume of wood) in this paper we present the results
of a third method for record keeping of fellings — according to causes or reasons
for tree marking.

In the same management unit (NPŠO Belevine) seven causes or reasons for
tree marking were followed, registered and analysed in the 1959—1991 period,
which are as follows: lightning, wind-throws, breakages, top-droughts, Ad trees,
canker and misletoe.

Data analysed showed that the additional information with tree marking and
record keeping of the causes for tree marking, i. e. felling, enable more realistic
interpretation of chronology, location, intensity and trend of negative biotic and
abiotic factors and their effect on the development and conditions of stands.

Ke y words : selection forest, record keeping of fellings.