prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1993 str. 94     <-- 94 -->        PDF

cezija i kalija u pojedinim stablima kao i sadržaj metala nije moguće uspoređivati
s relevantnim podacima s drugih staništa jer takvih podataka nema.
To upućuje na potrebu sistematskog istraživanja glede vrste stabla, sadržaju
radioaktivnosti i metala u staništu i druge faktore. Ovako dobiveni rezultati
omogućili bi izračunavanje transportnih faktora, a time i sagledavanje transportnog
mehanizma za pojedine slučajeve. Analiza stabla može također ukazati
i na zagađenje tla bez njegove analize. Konačno analize stabala omogućuju
donošenje zaključaka vezanih uz gospodarenje šumama i njihovom eksploatacijom
te potrebnim zahvatima u pojedinim šumskim ekosustavima.


Filipović-Vinceković N., V. Tomaš i ć, N. Nekić, M. Široki
(1990), Long-term interaction in clay/electrolvte systems, J., Radional., Nucl.
Chem., 130: 239—247.

Filipović-Vinceković, N., D. Barišić, N. M a š i ć, S. Lulić (1991),
Distribution of fallout radionuclides throueh soil surface layer, J., Radioanal.,
Nucl. Chem., 148: 53—62.

Filipović-Vinc e k ović, N., D. Š k r t i ć (1992), Cesium sorption under nonquilibrium
conditions, J., Radioanal., Nucl. Chem. 163: 205—211.

Barišić. D., S. Lulić, N. Kezić, A. Vertačnik (1992), l:17Cs in flowers,
pollen and honey from fhe Republic of Croatia four years after the Chernobyl
accident, Apidologie, 23: 71—78.

Barišić. D., S. Lulić, K. Lazar i ć, A. Vertačnik, N. K e z i ć (1992*),
Transfer faktori !;;7Cs iz tla u med obzirom na tip ispaše pčela, udio organskog


materijala i distribuciju v tlu, Zbornik radova prvog Simpozija Hrvatskog
društva za zaštitu od zračenja, Zagreb, 24.—26. studenog 1992., str. 230—

Barišić , D., S. Luli ć (1992), The estimation cf l:,7Cs deposition and vertical
distribution in undisturbed soils in Republic of Croatia, Final Report, Res.
Contact No. 5243´RB IAEA, Vienna.

Autori zahvaljuju Prof. dr. Duri Raušu na pokazanom interesu za ovaj rad
i z.a pribavljanje dijela uzoraka.

Gamma-ray Speclrometric and Atomic-Absorbtion Analysis of Wood

S u m m a r y

Pollution of the environment by heavy metals and radioactive isotopes, which
arc not of natural origin are the consequence of nuclear tests and accidents in
the nuclear power station Chernobyl, resulting in their accumulation in the
decs. In adequately prepared specimens of Ash trees, Oak trees and Beech trees
gamma-iay spectrometry was used to determine the content of radioisotopes Cs-
137 3.7; 2.25 and 9.64 Bq kg, content of Cs-134 0.2; 0.135 and 0.4 Bq kg, and the
content of naturalradioisotope of potassium K-40 53.2; 23.6 and 30.14 Bq/kg. The
different contents of radioactive isotopes is a consequence of the different contents
of them in the stands and different means of transport. An oak specimen
was further examined for atomic-absorbtion determination of metal content and
the following were measured Na 0.021%, K 0.067´,,, Ce 0.168",, Mg 0.0145",,,
Fe 0.000025",,, Mn 0.000019",,, Ni 0.0000425»0, Cu 0.000054",., Zn 0.000059% and Pb
0.000033° ,,. Results obtained indicate the need for wider systematic research into
the content of radioisotopes and metals in trees and soil, so that by comparison
o! the results adequate conclusions could be drawn on condition in particular
lorest eco-system.

Key word s : radioactivity of tree, metals in tree