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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1993 str. 88     <-- 88 -->        PDF

H e r w i t z, S. R., D. L. Peterson & J. R. Eastman (1990): Thematic Mapper
detection of changes in the leaf area of closed canopy pine plantations in
central Massachusetts. Remote Sens. Environ. 29: 129—140.

Hildebrandt , G. (1987): Toy or Tool — Fernerkundung aus dem Weltraum:
Spiel oder Werkzeug fur die Forstwirtschaft? Forstw. Chi. 106 (3): 141—168.
Hör ler, D. N. H. & F. J. Ahern (1986): Forestry information content of Thematic
Mapper. Int. J. Remote Sensing 7 (3): 405—428.

Kadro , A. & S. Kunt z (1985): Ergebnisse computergestuetzer Waldschadenserhebungen
mit multispectralen scannerdaten. Proc. IUFRO 4.02 6.05 Conference
Inventorying and Monitoring Endangered Forests. Zuerich: 179—182.

Kal en sky, Z. D. (1991): Overview of FAO Remote Sensing Activities in the Central/
Eastern European Countries, In: Proc. 11th EARSEL Symposium, Graz,
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Kolejka , J. (1991): Application of remotely sensed data in ecological decision
making: Example of the Novomlynske nadrže Reservoirs. Proc. 11th EARSeL
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Kušan, V., V. V o n d r a, Z. Kalafadžić, R. B e 1 u š i ć & M. A n a n i ć
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Ormsby , J. P. & R. S. Lunett a (1987): Whitetail deer food availability maps
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Schade , J. & N. Dalangi n (1985): The Philippine national inventory. Monitoring
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Schardt , M. (1989): Forest Classification with TM Data in the Area of Freiburg,
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Sparner, M. A., L. L. Pierce, D. L. Peterson & S. W. Running (1990):
Remote Sensing of temperate coniferous forest leaf area index. The influence
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Vogel mann, J. E. & B. N. Rock (1989)? Use of Thematic Mapper data for
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Wieczorek , J. (1991): Mapping of Windfall damage in. the Hunsrueck plateau
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Wu, J. K., Q. F. Zen g & W. T. Wan g (1985): Forest inventory using LANDSAT
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X u, G. Q. (1990): Investigations into Forest Classification using LANDSAT data.
Case studies in Central Styria. Joanneum Research. Graz, Austria: 118 str.
Possibilites of Obtaining Information about Forests Using Satellite Imagery


The use of imagery taken from artificial earth satellites for information gathering
has become essential technology in many human activities, especially in 1 lumanagement
and monitoring of natural rcsourses, particular in forestry.